@funk :do #change green solid blue fake /i/i #change blue fake purple fake /i/i/i #change purple fake white fake /i/i/i #change white fake yellow fake /i/i/i #change yellow fake red fake /i/i/i #change red fake cyan fake /i/i/i #change cyan fake green fake /i/i/i #change green fake green solid /i/i #send troy:restart #end @troy /i/i #send funk:do #end :restart #send funk:do By: R. Carman Email: Ror2car@aol.com ²²²²² ² ² ²²²²² ² ² ² ² ÛÛÛ ² ²²²²² ²²²² #end :touch #zap touch Talk to all the characters, then start the game through that passage over there. it will not open until you talk to MORPHEUS. one more thing, your text is always white and centered. #die #end :touch #zap touch Talk to all the characters, then start the game through that passage over there. it will not open until you talk to MORPHEUS. one more thing, your text is always white and centered. #die #end :touch #zap touch Talk to all the characters, then start the game through that passage over there. it will not open until you talk to MORPHEUS. one more thing, your text is always white and centered. #die Û ² ² ² ² #end :touch #zap touch Talk to all the characters, then start the game through that passage over there. it will not open until you talk to MORPHEUS. one more thing, your text is always white and centered. #die #end :touch #zap touch Talk to all the characters, then start the game through that passage over there. it will not open until you talk to MORPHEUS. one more thing, your text is always white and centered. #die Û @zap #end :touch YOU ZAPPED ALREADY! DIE! /i/i/i #endgame #end :die #die ² ² ² ²²²²² #end :touch #zap touch Talk to all the characters, then start the game through that passage over there. it will not open until you talk to MORPHEUS. one more thing, your text is always white and centered. #die #end :touch #zap touch Talk to all the characters, then start the game through that passage over there. it will not open until you talk to MORPHEUS. one more thing, your text is always white and centered. #die #end :touch #zap touch Talk to all the characters, then start the game through that passage over there. it will not open until you talk to MORPHEUS. one more thing, your text is always white and centered. #die Û ÛÛÛ ² ² ² ²²²²²²² ²²²² ² ² ² ²² ²² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ²²²²² ² ²²²² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² starring... @morpheus #end :touch You are the one, Neo. $Cool. Now GO PLAY! #change yellow solid empty #send zap:die @trinity #end :touch I love you, neo. $dude! sweet! #end @agentsmith #end :touch i am the head honcho of the agents. and i'll get you. that's for ssssssuuuuure. i always have to draw the last words in my sentences out because it's kind of...... ccccccrrreeeeeeepyyyyyy. $......o...kay. Don't.....mooooooockkkk...me. @cypher #end :touch Hey! What's up NEO? $nothin. how you doin? pretty good. $aight. later Morpheus Trinity Agent Smith Cypher