²²²²²²± ²±±±±²± ²° ²± ²²± ²° ²± ²±±± ²° ²²²²²²²±± ²° ²±±±±±²²± ²²²²² ²²²²² ²° ²²²² ²± ²±± ²²°°°²° ²°° ²°²²°°° ²²² ²° ²± ²²± ²° ²° ²° ²²²°° ²²°²²²° ²²²²²²° ²± ²± ²²²²²²° ²° ²°°° ²²°° ²° @LOOK ITS A DOOR #end :touch FEEL THE WRATH OF MY MEANINGLESS LAWSUIT!!! $Woah, this door's that lady who sued $McDonald's AND WON because she was dumb $enough to spill coffee on herself?! WORD. #zap touch #end :touch I LIKE WAFFLES!!! /i #take score 43 #end °°°°°° ²± ²²± ²²°°°°° ²° ²° ²°° ²²° ²²²²²²²²±± °²²²²² ²° ²° ²²° ²²²° ±±±±±±±± °°°°° ²° ²²²²°²° Wait, How do you spell that? @Adder #end :loop #char 235 #go rndp rndne #if contact spoon #loop :spoon I LIKE WAFFLES!!! /i #take health 4 /i #loop :shot #if not blocked n put n red fake #if not blocked s put s red fake #if not blocked w put w red fake #if not blocked e put e red fake #give score 345 BEWARE THE LADYBUGS THEY WILL EAT YOU!!! /i #become red fake #end / @Zandor 12 #end :touch ”- I AM NOT A DEER I AM A MOOSE /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i #ILIKEWAFFLES @Omicron #end :touch I WANT MORE SCREEN TIME DAMMIT!!! #end @Adama #end :touch Adama: Adama. Zandor: Adamo? Adama: Adama. Zandor: Amada? Adama: Adama. Zandor: Odama? Adama: Adama. Zandor: Osama? Adama: ...*Sighs*... Zandor: Time for some Orange Kool-Aid! #zap touch #end :touch Adama: IT'S SPELLED ADAMA! A- DA- MA! Zandor: O- Sa- Ma? Adama: A, D, Zandor: O, S? Bigman: This is getting old. Zandor: Yeah, I know. #zap touch #end :touch ...*Sighs*... /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i #take torches 327 weevil YOU HAVE MANY TORCHES /i/i/i/i #end :weevil YOU HAVE NO TORCHES GOOD SIR /i/i/i/i #end ±²²² °°±±±²²² @Adder #end :loop #char 235 #go rndp rndne #if contact spoon #loop :spoon I LIKE WAFFLES!!! /i #take health 4 /i #loop :shot #if not blocked n put n red fake #if not blocked s put s red fake #if not blocked w put w red fake #if not blocked e put e red fake #give score 345 WHERE ARE MY KEYS?! /i #become red fake #end ÛÛÛ°ÛÛ°ÛÛÛ ²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²² ±±±²±±±±±±²°°° ²±±± @I LIKE WAFFLES :llop #if spiral oops #llop :oops $Whoah, how'd I get onto the title screen? REMEMBER THE FORKS, LUKE. $The force? NO YOU IDIOT, THE FORKS! $OHH DEAR #send Adder:loop #end °°°± @Adder #end :loop #char 235 #go rndp rndne #if contact spoon #loop :spoon I LIKE WAFFLES!!! /i #take health 4 /i #loop :shot #if not blocked n put n red fake #if not blocked s put s red fake #if not blocked w put w red fake #if not blocked e put e red fake #give score 345 AVENGE ME, BATMAN!!! /i #become red fake #end With special cameo ²²²²²²²²²± by Googlyottenheim!!! ²²²²²²±± @Bigman #end :touch Goood eeevening. I am Bigman. Congragulations on touching my chin. Now, away with you. Your presence here is unnatural, and a great disturbance to the forks. $The force? No, forks. WHY IS THAT SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND?! #zap touch #end :touch Good eeeevening. /i #end @Bigman #end :touch Goood eeevening. I am Bigman. Congragulations on touching my chin. Now, away with you. Your presence here is unnatural, and a great disturbance to the forks. $The force? No, forks. WHY IS THAT SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND?! #zap touch #end :touch Good eeeevening. /i #end @Bigman #end :touch Goood eeevening. I am Bigman. Congragulations on touching my chin. Now, away with you. Your presence here is unnatural, and a great disturbance to the forks. $The force? No, forks. WHY IS THAT SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND?! #zap touch #end :touch Good eeeevening. /i #end @Bigman #end :touch Goood eeevening. I am Bigman. Congragulations on touching my chin. Now, away with you. Your presence here is unnatural, and a great disturbance to the forks. $The force? No, forks. WHY IS THAT SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND?! #zap touch #end :touch Good eeeevening. /i #end @Adder #end :loop #char 17 #end @Adder #end :loop #char 45 #end @Adder #end :loop #char 45 #end @Adder #end :loop #char 45 #end @Adder #end :loop #char 72 #end @Adder #end :loop #char 101 #end @Adder #end :loop #char 114 #end @Adder #end :loop #char 101 #end @Adder #end :loop #char 33 #end By: Zandor 12 & Bigman