Û² ° ° ² ² °± ²± @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #become white solid ² ± ° ° ² Û ± @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #become white solid ° ² @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #become white solid ± ° ² @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #become white solid ± ° ° ± Û ² ° ° @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #become white solid ± Û ±° ° ² @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #become white solid ²± ° ² @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #become white solid ²± ° @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #become white solid ° ± Û ²± ° @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #become white solid °± @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #become white solid ²± Û ± ° ² @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #become white solid ° ² ± ° ± Û ² ° ° ² @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #become white solid Û ° @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #become white solid ± ²± ° ² @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #become white solid ² @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #become white solid ° ² ² ° @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #become white solid ° ² ²± Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛÛ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ÛÛ Û ÛÛÛ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ÛÛ ÛÛ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ÛÛ ÛÛÛ Û Û Û Û Û Û ÛÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ *rpg/adventure/action thingy* @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #char 42 @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #char 114 @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #char 101 @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #char 112 @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #char 116 @teckst #cycle 1 #end @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #char 108 @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #char 101 @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #char 104 @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #char 111 @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #char 117 #cycle 1 #char 92 /i/i #char 196 /i/i #char 47 /i/i #char 179 /i/i #char 92 /i/i #char 196 /i/i #char 47 /i/i #char 179 /i/i #all:dye #end :dye #char 115 @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #char 101 #change water white solid #change breakable white solid #change normal white solid /i/i/i #change @teckst #cycle 1 #end :dye #char 42 by dexter * part 2 * to be played with b-and-w.zzt