@music #end :play #cycle 1 P /i Pr /i Pre /i Pres /i Press /i Press /i Press " /i Press "P /i Press "P" /i ress "P" /i ess "P" /i ss "P" /i s "P" /i "P" /i "P" /i P" /i " #relay:reme #end Deep Blue 1: Divided *(DEMO)* @relay #end :reme #music:play #end created by: StarDreamer ²²²²²²²² ²±°°°°°°±² DEMO DEMO DEMO ²²±°±±±±°±²² ²²±°±²²±°±²² ²²±°±±±±°±²² ²±°°°°°°±² ²²²²²²²² ±±±±±±±±±±±± @gun #end :fire #shoot n #end ±±±± ± ± ± ²² ² ² ± @thing #cycle 4 /i #char 19 /i #char 35 #restart #end @thing #cycle 4 /i #char 19 /i #char 35 #restart #end @thing #cycle 4 /i #char 19 /i #char 35 #restart #end @thing #cycle 4 /i #char 19 /i #char 35 #restart #end ± ± ± @Intro #cycle 4 /n /i /e /i /n /i /e /i/i #play ++dxxdb $ $At the farthest reaches of the galexy, $all is quiet. The dense icen fog of Pluto $gently sways to it's antigravital breeze. $Although, unknowingly to this fair $galexy, oblivion is surely at hand. $ $When a new weapon is discovered inside $Pluto, the galexies superpowers are at $a rush to get their hands on it. $ $Edge, an elite sect of intellectual $beings, ranging from human to anything $you could imagine, fights for the side $of good. $ $While The Legion only deems to destroy. $They are the all the scum, arsonists, $anarchists and pure evil of the galexy. $Their power is phenominal already, and $with this new weapon, named (aE), they $would rule the universe with an iron $fist of God. $ $Knowing their time is short, Edge makes $on last ditch effort to save the entire $galexy. They form a small group of well- $trained fighters, intelligent planners, $and skilled people to recapture the moon, $where The Legion is testing this weapon. $If this group can get their hands on it, $the galexy will be saved. $ $So, as this group makes it's way to the $moon, a signal erupts on the radar. $Enemy fighters are closing in. $Matt Rodgers, Sally Trilon, and a $rush mercenary named X are all on their $way to destiny in this grand mission. $ $Code name: Deep Blue. $ /i #play ++dxxdb $ $(Here is the saga of The Legion finding $ (aE). $Officer We're beginning the decent to Pluto, sir. Our scanners do show that this (aE) as the elders call it is indeed here within the core. $ /i $ #play ++dxxdb $Strange Figure Good. The Legion will rise again. Edge is no longer in charge of this galexy. $ /i $ #play ++dxxdb $Officer There are reports of a renegade group heading to the Earth's moon. Shal I order a sweep team to capture them? $ /i $ #play ++dxxdb $Strange Figure .... Yes.... I want them alive. All of them. If anyone knows the key to bringing Edge down it is them. If in fact our reports are correct, and they are employed by Edge, this will be the key to winning this war. $ /i $ #play ++dxxdb $Officer I agree, sir. I shal send the order immedeately. $ /i $ #play ++dxxdb $Strange Figure Good. You know, I've decimated dozens of worlds searching for this. Not God himself can stop me now. $ /i $ #play ++dxxdb $Strange Figure Fire the probes... $ /i $ #play ++dxxdb $Officer Yes, sir. #gun:fire $ /i/i/i/i #play -he f e g Ie a Se b11 b11 g11 f1 #play -hb Ie Sb11 b11 g11 f1 e22 d1 e11 #play -Ieb11 Sd 11 b11 d11 c11 e11 e11 #play hb e Ie b S d11 c11 da11 bbccdd+e #play S d1 c1 c1 b1 b1 a1 g1 f1 !e $| °°°°±±±±±²²²²² | D | $| °°°°±±±±±²²²²² | i | $| °°°°±±±±±²²²²² | v | $| Deep Blue 1: | i | $| °°°°±±±±±²²²²² | d | $ | °°°°±±±±±²²²²² | e | $| °°°°±±±±±²²²²²| d | #music:play #end $ ±