*Kabalware/Macrosoft* Other Kabalware Games Destroy Barney Games to be Made Destroy Barney 3 Destroy Barney 4 The Simpsons The Criti @C #end :Man :glow #change red solid purple solid /i #change purple solid yellow solid /i #change yellow solid white solid /i #change white solid blue solid /i #change blue solid green solid /i #change green solid cyan solid /i #change cyan solid red solid /i #send glow #end Destroy Barney Palace of Barney Û Û Û Û Û Û ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ @Music #play ie!ge!d #restart #end Û ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ * * ÛÛÛÛÛ @Barney #cycle 1 -------- /i -------A /i ------A- /i -----A-K /i ----A-Ka /i ---A-Kab /i --A-Kaba /i -A-Kabal /i A-Kabalw /i -Kabalwa /i Kabalwar /i abalware /i balware- /i alware-P /i lware-Pr /i ware-Pro /i are-Prod /i re-Produ /i e-Produc /i -Product /i Producti /i roductio /i oduction /i duction- /i uction-- /i ction--- /i tion---- /i ion----- /i on------ /i n------- /i -------- /i/i/i/i/i/i/i #restart #end ÛÛÛÛÛ