Flame Games Mag #3 New Format! ²²²²±±° ²² ²²²²±±° ²²² °°± ²²²²±± ²² ²² ²² °° ²² ± ° ±± ²² ²²±±°°± ²² ²²±±°°± ²² ° ±² ²²±±° ²± ²± ²± ±± ²± ²² ²± ±± ±± ±± ±² ±± ²² ±± ±° ±°°±±²² ±° ²² ±° ²² ±°°±±² ²²²²±±°° ²²²²±±°° ²²² °°± ²²²²±± ²²²²±± ²² ± ²² °± ²² ± ° ±± ²² ²² ²² ²²±±°°±± ²² ° ±² ²²±±° ²² ²± ²± ±² ²± ²² ²± ²±±°°± ±± ²²² ±± ²² ±± ²² ±± ± ±° ² ±° ²² ±° ²² ±° ² °°±±²²²² °° ²² °° ²² °°±±²² °°±±²² @ZZT98 #end :go /s #char 2 #cycle 7 ZZT98: WHAT? /i/i/i/i Colin: COME OUT HERE! /i/i Ok! Ok! You don't have to yell! /e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/i/i ZZT98: Ok Im Here. Now What? /i/i/i/i Colin: We will play some Husic. /i/i/i/i ZZT98: Husic? /i/i/i/i Colin: I mean Music:-) /i/i/i/i ZZT98: What will we play? /i/i/i/i Colin: Music. /i/i/i/i ZZT98: What Music? /i/i/i/i Colin: The Mission: Impossible Theme /i/i/i/i Colin: Here i go! /i/i/i/i Colin: A one, a two, a one, two, three,... /i/i/i/i Colin: ...four. /i #play ++-igxg.b!+c-gxg. #play ++-iff#gxg.b!+c #play ++-igxg. #play ++-iff# #play +++ib!gd.x #play ++-ib!+c #play +++ib!gd!.x #play ++-iff# #play +++ib!gc.x #play ++-ib!+c /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i ZZT98: Nice. /i/i/i/i Colin: Yup i had the Sheet Music:-) /i/i/i/i ZZT98: Now what do we do? /i/i/i/i Colin: Uh? /i/i/i/i Colin: Well...We..Na.. /i/i/i/i Colin: I dont know:-( /i/i/i/i ZZT98: Well think of something! /i/i/i/i Colin: Well. You think of something! /i/i/i/i ZZT98: Oh ok. Thats E-Z! /i/i/i/i Colin: Ok then what will we do? /i/i/i/i ZZT98: Um..Oh..Well /i/i/i/i Colin: Your no help! /i/i/i/i Colin: I KNOW! /i/i/i/i Colin: We will do some FireWorks! /i/i/i/i ZZT98: Kewl!! /i/i/i/i Colin: Lets start /i/i/i/i Colin: FireWork #1! #send fire1:go /i/i #end :start /i/i/i/i Colin & ZZT98: KEWL! /i/i/i/i Colin: And now i will sing! #send Colin:sing #end :gem /i/i/i/i ZZT98: COOL! GEMS! /i/i/i/i Colin: Lets Get'em! /i/i/i/i ZZT98: OK! #cycle 1 /n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n /e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e #put e empty #put s empty /e/s #put e empty #put s empty #end #char 32 /e #put e empty #cycle 1 < > /i < F> /i < Fl> /i < Fla> /i < Flam> /i < Flame> /i < Flame > /i < Flame G> /i < Flame Ga> /i < Flame Gam> /i < Flame Game> /i < Flame Games> /i < Flame Games > /i </Flame Games\> /i <\Flame Games/> /i </Flame Games\> /i <\Flame Games/> /i </Flame Games\> /i <Flame Games > /i <lame Games > /i <ame Games > /i <me Games > /i <e Games > /i < Games > /i <Games > /i <ames > /i <mes > /i <es > /i <s > /i :loop < F> /i < Fl> /i < Fla> /i < Flam> /i < Flame> /i < Flame > /i < Flame G> /i < Flame Ga> /i < Flame Gam> /i < Flame Game> /i < Flame Games> /i < Flame Games > /i <Flame Games M> /i <lame Games Ma> /i <ame Games Mag> /i <me Games Mag > /i <e Games Mag #> /i < Games Mag #4> /i <Games Mag #4 > /i <ames Mag #4 > /i <mes Mag #4 > /i <es Mag #4 > /i <s Mag #4 > /i < Mag #4 > /i <Mag #4 > /i <ag #4 > /i <g #4 > /i < #4 > /i <#4 > /i <4 > /i < > /i #loop @Colin #char 2 #cycle 1 /e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e #cycle 7 Colin: Uh? Hi! /i/i/i/i/i Colin: Well The Mag Got a NEW Format this /i/i/i/i/i Colin: Month! /i/i/i/i/i Colin: Uh? and now are VP!! /i/i/i/i/i Colin: AND NOW ARE VP!! /i/i/i/i/i/i Colin: ZZT98 GET OUT HERE #cycle 1 #char 1 /i #char 2 /i #char 1 /i #char 2 /i #char 1 /i #char 2 #cycle 7 #send ZZT98:go #end :sing #cycle 7 /i/i/i/i ZZT98: Sing? /i/i/i/i Colin: Yup Sing! /i/i/i/i/e/e/e/s Colin: Here i go! /i/i/i/i #play +igfgfqec "If i were a rich man." /i/i/i/i #play +ixefgfgfefgab!abaqg "Dai-dle dee-dle dai-dle dig-guh gid-dum /i/i/i/i/i/i #play +qa!gg!fie!dcde "All day long I'd Bid-dy, Bid-dy, bum." /i/i/i/i #play +ie!dcdqec-b "If i were a wealth-y man" /i/i/i/i #play +igfgfec "Would-n't have to work hard." /i/i/i/i/i #play +ixefgfgfefgab!aba "dai-dle dee-die dai-dle dig-guh dai-dum" /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i #play +qa!gg!fe!dcde "If i were a bid-dy, bid-dy rich" /i/i/i ZZT98: STOP!!! /i/i/i/i Colin: Dont you like my singing? /i/i/i/i ZZT98: Yes i love it! But it to good for /i/i/i/i ZZT98: This mag! /i/i/i/i Colin: Oh OK. /i/i/i/i ZZT98: We should leave now /i/i/i/i Colin: Oh ok #change object empty @fire1 #end :go #cycle 1 #lock #char 30 /n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n #char 32 #put e blue water #put w red water #put n yellow water #put s green water /i #put e green solid #put w white normal #put n red breakable #put s blue water /i #put e empty #put w empty #put n empty #put s empty #send ZZT98:start #die @fire2 #end :start #cycle 1 #lock #char 30 /n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n #put e blue empty #put e cyan gem #put w red empty #put w green gem #put n yellow empty #put n red gem #put s cyan empty #put s purple gem /i #send ZZT98:gem #die