GuessWhat?hereiambackonthealterna tiveranch.hooray.themusescanwait,evencannae-wait.whywaitne arlyforever?noonesaiditsJustice.Whatis\justice?keepingusse cure?nae,onlyafalsesenseofthat.whywait?Justiceisthecurefor all.Whywait?Whoaccusedyouofbeingevil?Guiltandevil...theres nocure,notevenjustice.whatis............................. ..........................     KE EP I    N      G    .. .THE    L    E     GE     ND ALIV EI S HARSHC  RUEL W.. ..ORK BUTI TISNOWOR NEVERS OW HYWA IT ?    ITW  OULD P. .ROVE WEST  ILLA    RENT    E VERS  E CURE UNL  ESSU .. .NDER FALS EPRET ENSESP ROV   INGT    H    EOL  DN   U .  IS    A    NCEOFHAVINGFA........................... ..LSE...........S ECURIT YON .LY...Shine. #cycle 1 /i/i/i/i/i/i :moo #change empty forest /i/i/i/i/i/i #change forest fake /i/i/i/i/i/i #change fake water #change water empty /i/i/i/i #moo . #cycle 1 /i/i #change torch boulder /i/i :loo /i/i #change boulder breakable /i/i/i #change breakable gem /i/i #change gem clockwise /i/i #change clockwise counter /i/i #change counter boulder #loo ............. ²²²² ... ²²²²² ² ² ² ² @him #end :touch Gackk...The legend lives...on... the muses have condemned me... Tru, I...Tried Finding...26 muses.... But Alas!They werent as..expected. Pant,Pant... Cannae's Castle....for eternity and a ...half... Erk... This is no... Ack..Erk...Pant.. If...I...Must...The...Grave...Words... My...last...only....Shine! Pant..... My...last...erk...Words.... WHAT IS JUSTICE???? Ag.... #lock ²²²²²² ²²² ²²²² @you #end :touch #lock I wrote it last...It was the muses... Forever knowing all... Sdarkness tossed me about... Cannae Toseed me.. Ha...Hehh....Erk.... I will quote that I seem to be back in these familiar sourroundings. True... I...Didnt...Ke-Ke..Ke-Ke...KE!KE!KE! Pant... I knew Justice had a role in this. She Was the muse of Justice...I bequeathed my loyalty long the muses... Why did they rebel? I...dont....know... Every Muse, when in its prime, takes one away from sourroundings. Forces it into loyalty. Takes the other barely alive ones too.. I just cant....figure...out...why.... I knew it before I went into the muses realms... I dont rememeber... Perhaps others will find the pieces, and At...last.... Erk... :moo #put n red fake #put s red fake #put e red fake #put w red fake /i/i #moo ² ²²defyyourfriends,angera ²²² tyour  enem ies. ²²² Losing C ²²² Saga of untold R Landing ²² Muses unwraps again EVERYTHING Obsoletely ²² with them playing M uponpeople ² About your mind, M E &theirevils Soon you shall be R ' B Condemming WORST EO   Reality. F HLD Is this Justice??