@li #cycle 1 #end :go $ $Anthrax: °°±±±²²²ÛÛÛLIGHTNINGÛÛÛ²²²±±±°° /i/i/i/i #change yellow invisible solid #char 130 /i #change yellow solid invisible #char 255 /i #change white invisible yellow solid #li2:ch /i #change yellow solid invisible #li2:d /i #change blue invisible yellow solid #li3:ch /i #change yellow solid invisible #li3:d /i #change green invisible yellow solid #li4:d /i #change yellow solid invisible #li4:d /i #change yellow invisible solid /i #change yellow solid invisible /i #change yellow invisible solid /i #change yellow solid invisible /i #char 219 #change yellow invisible solid #change empty yellow solid /i/i/i #change yellow solid empty #Merlin:c #die @li2 #cycle 1 #end :ch #char 131 #end :d #die @Anthrax #cycle 1 #end :appear /i/i $ $Merlin $ A `Foreword' By Jeff Conroy Hey there, people who downloaded this bad, never-to-be-finished ZZT game. Yes, this was going to be the sequel to Wizard's Tale, but I decided to make this game in MegeZeux. However, that got canned (it was BAD, trust me on this), and replaced by Despayre, still under works... anywho, I give you Merlin (ZZT)... look in the edi- tor for stuff that's not accessible by playing the game (i.e. Credits, Anthrax's Castle, etc.). And, yes, I realized this game may have typos/bugs, but it doesn't really matter to me now. And, no, I don't know why I sent this out to the public, or why I even had this, since it was made around late '97 (?). That's it. I doubt you'll enjoy this sorry excuse of a ZZT world. $ -Jeff Conroy $ -jeff_conroy@hotmail.com $ - 4 / 7 / 99 $ -http://fejj.zzt.org /i/i/i $ Merlin: What is that sound I hear??? /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i #Merlin:look #char 176 /i/i #char 177 /i/i #char 178 /i/i #char 158 /i/i $ $Villian: AH!!! I AM HERE TO SEEK VEN- $ GEANCE, MERLIN!!! /i/i/i/i/i $ Merlin: YOU?!? NO! You perished long ago! It cannot be the one I know as... /i/i/i/i/i $ $Villian: Yes, you old fool, it is I, $ ANTHRAX!!! /i/i/i/i/i $ Merlin: You shall not live this time! Take THIS dosage of pure POWER!!! /i/i/i #Merlin:Power #end :affect #change red invisible water /i #change red water breakable /i #change red breakable normal /i #change red normal solid /i/i #change red solid normal /i #change red normal breakable /i #change red breakable water /i #change red water empty /i/i/i $ $Anthrax: You call that POWER?!? Now, this $ is POWER!!! #li:go #end :dis #char 219 /i #char 178 /i #char 177 /i #char 176 /i #die @Merlin #cycle 1 #end :look #char 5 #end :power /i/i/i/i °°°±±±²²²ÛÛÛÛFIREÛÛÛÛ²²²±±±°°° /i/i/i/i #change cyan invisible red solid /i #change red solid normal /i #change red normal breakable /i #change red breakable water /i #change red water invisible /i #Anthrax:affect #end :c #cycle 1 /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i $ Merlin: AAAGGghhh... /i/i/i/i/i $ $Anthrax: I have one! The first stage of $ my plan is complete!!! Off to my $ castle!!! /i/i/i/i/i $ $Anthrax: °±²ÛÛDISAPPEARÛÛ²±° /i/i/i #Anthrax:dis #char 219 /i #char 178 /i #char 177 /i #char 176 /i #StoryTeller:ta #die @li3 #cycle 1 #end :ch #char 128 #end :d #die @li3 #cycle 1 #end :ch #char 129 #end :d #die ght Ware @StoryTeller #cycle 1 /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i $ It all started a normal day for Merlin, when all of the sudden... #Anthrax:appear #end :ta So, it was that Merlin was taken. Taken by an old enemy. But before Merlin was taken, he had summoned an ally, none other than /i/i/i/i/i $ $°°±±²²ÛÛÛSir Woolsworth!ÛÛÛ²²±±°° /i/i/i/i/i So, our story continues from there... #end ff C