#END :Show2 #char 7 :Mikey #play ic11c2c++c44c2c #play ic11c2c-cbabcb #play s26674647644a6924 #play s26674647644a6924 #play iddc-scbcbabqc #play idde+scbcbabqc #play iddc-scbcbabqc #play hc-ab+c #play t77777777 #play t8787878777 #play scc5c5987ccbca #play +sc94c94e94 #play 94scbcbcbab #play sacacac #play sbababa #end #change water invisible /i /i/i/i/i/i #send HGSI:Dead #send HGSI2:Dead #send HGSI3:Dead /i/i #Send Logo:Show #END :Show2 #char 7 #END @HGSI #END :Dead #become green invisible #END @HGSI2 #END :Dead #become yellow invisible #END #bind HGSI #bind HGSI2 #bind HGSI #bind HGSI #bind HGSI2 #bind HGSI #bind HGSI2 #bind HGSI #bind HGSI2 #bind HGSI2 #bind HGSI #bind HGSI2 #bind HGSI #bind HGSI2 #bind HGSI #bind HGSI2 #bind HGSI2 #bind HGSI #bind HGSI2 #bind HGSI #bind HGSI2 #bind HGSI #bind HGSI2 #bind HGSI2 #bind HGSI #bind HGSI2 #bind HGSI #bind HGSI2 #bind HGSI @HGSI3 #END :Dead #DIE #bind HGSI3 #bind HGSI3 #bind HGSI3 #bind HGSI3 #bind HGSI3 #bind HGSI3 #bind HGSI3 #bind HGSI3 #bind star @star #END :Off #char 255 #END :loop1 #cycle 1 #char 250 #try w loop2 #loop1 :loop2 #char 32 #try e loop1 #loop2 :Show2 #char 250 #loop1 #bind star @Animation #END :Start #cycle 8 #char 249 /i #char 248 /i #char 7 /i #char 9 /i #char 2 /i/i/i #cycle 3 Hello, and welcome to the second release /i/i/i/i/i of HGSI Monsters. As you probably know, /i/i/i/i/i Monsters are a race of creatures that are /i/i/i/i/i stored in this... #send Animation2:Start /i/i/i/i/i This is called a Monster Ball. In case /i/i/i/i/i you were wondering, yes, HGSI Monsters is /i/i/i/i/i a parody of Pokemon. Except that I have /i/i/i/i/i gotten a lot of good response for Monsters /i/i/i/i/i (as opposed to Pokemon (hehe)). Anyway, /i/i/i/i/i enjoy the game! #send Animation2:Close /i/i/i/i/i #put w green invisible #send Fixer:Ends #become yellow invisible #END @Animation2 #END :start #char 7 #END :Close #put e green invisible #become yellow invisible #END #bind star @Logo #END :Move2 #bind Moogle #END :Show #Cycle 1 #char 77 /w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w #END #bind star @Logo #END :Move2 #bind Moogle #END :Show #Cycle 1 /n #char 079 /w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w #END #bind star @Logo #END :Move2 #bind Moogle #END :Show #Cycle 1 /n/n #char 078 /w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w #END #bind star @Logo #END :Move2 #bind Moogle #END :Show #cycle 1 /n/n/n #char 083 /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w #bind star @Gos #END :Go #cycle 1 /n/n/n/n /i/i/i/i /i/i/i/i #send Logo:Move2 #bind Moogle #END #bind Gos #bind Gos #bind Gos #bind Gos #bind Gos #bind Gos #bind Gos #bind Gos #bind Gos @Logo #END :Move2 #bind Moogle #END :Show #Cycle 1 /n/n/n/n #char 084 /w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w #END @Baller #END :Start /i/i/i/i/i #cycle 1 #put n red object /e#put n red object /e#put n red object /e/e #put n white object /e#put n white object /e#put n white object /e#put n white object /e#put n white object /e#put n white object /e#put n white object #send Gos:Go #DIE @Logo #END :Move2 #bind Moogle #END :Show #Cycle 1 /n/n/n/n/n #char 069 /w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w #END @Logo #END :Move2 #bind Moogle #END :Show #Cycle 1 /n/n/n/n/n /n #char 082 /w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w #END @Logo #END :Move2 #bind Moogle #END :Show #Cycle 1 /n/n/n/n/n /n/n #char 083 /w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w #END @Baln #END :Start #char 016 /e /i #char 017 /w /i #send Start #END @Logo #END :Move2 #bind Moogle #END :Show /i/i/i/i/i #cycle 1 /n/n/n/n/n /n/n/n #char 050 /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w #END @Logo #END :Move2 #bind Moogle #END :Show #Cycle 1 /n/n/n/n/n /n/n/n/n #char 046 /w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w #END @Logo #END :Move2 #bind Moogle #END :Show #Cycle 1 /n/n/n/n/n /n/n/n/n/n #char 048 /w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w /w /i/i #send Baller:Start #END #bind star @star2 #char 255 #END :Off #END :loop1 #cycle 1 #try w loop2 #loop1 :loop2 #try e loop1 #loop2 :Show2 #loop1 #bind star2 @Fixer #END :Ends /i/i/i/i #change yellow invisible forest #change forest boulder #change green invisible boulder #END :show2 #char 7 #cycle 1 <> /i < > /i < > /i < > /i < > /i < > /i < > /i < > /i < > /i < > /i < > /i < W> /i < We> /i < Wel> /i < Welc> /i < Welco> /i < Welcom> /i < Welcome> /i < Welcome > /i < Welcome t> /i <Welcome to> /i <elcome to > /i <lcome to H> /i <come to Hy> /i <ome to Hyp> /i <me to Hype> /i <e to Hyper> /i < to Hyper > /i <to Hyper G> /i <o Hyper Gl> /i < Hyper Glo> /i <Hyper Glob> /i <yper Globa> /i <per Global> /i <er Global > /i <r Global S> /i < Global Sy> /i <Global Sys> /i <lobal Syst> /i <obal Syste> /i <bal System> /i <al Systems> /i <l Systems > /i < Systems I> /i <Systems In> /i <ystems Int> /i <stems Inte> /i <tems Inter> /i <ems Intern> /i <ms Interna> /i <s Internat> /i < Internati> /i <Internatio> /i <nternation> /i <ternationa> /i <ernational> /i <rnationals> /i <nationals > /i <ationals M> /i <tionals Mo> /i <ionals Mon> /i <onals Mons> /i <nals Monst> /i <als Monste> /i <ls Monster> /i <s Monsters> /i < Monsters > /i <Monsters V> /i <onsters Ve> /i <nsters Ver> /i <sters Vers> /i <ters Versi> /i <ers Versio> /i <rs Version> /i <s Version > /i < Version 2> /i <Version 2.> /i <ersion 2. > /i <rsion 2. > /i <sion 2. E> /i <ion 2. En> /i <on 2. Enj> /i <n 2. Enjo> /i < 2. Enjoy> /i <2. Enjoy!> /i <. Enjoy!!> /i < Enjoy!!!> /i < Enjoy!!! > /i <Enjoy!!! > /i <njoy!!! (> /i <joy!!! (P> /i <oy!!! (P.> /i <y!!! (P.S> /i <!!! (P.S.> /i <!! (P.S. > /i <! (P.S. I> /i < (P.S. I > /i < (P.S. I w> /i <(P.S. I wo> /i <P.S. I wou> /i <.S. I woul> /i <S. I would> /i <. I would > /i < I would l> /i <I would li> /i < would lik> /i <would like> /i <ould like > /i <uld like t> /i <ld like to> /i <d like to > /i < like to t> /i <like to th> /i <ike to tha> /i <ke to than> /i <e to thank> /i < to thank > /i <to thank D> /i <o thank Dr> /i < thank Dra> /i <thank Drac> /i <hank Drac0> /i <ank Drac0 > /i <nk Drac0 f> /i <k Drac0 fo> /i < Drac0 for> /i <Drac0 for > /i <rac0 for l> /i <ac0 for le> /i <c0 for let> /i <0 for lett> /i < for letti> /i <for lettin> /i <or letting> /i <r letting > /i < letting m> /i <letting me> /i <etting me > /i <tting me u> /i <ting me us> /i <ing me use> /i <ng me use > /i <g me use h> /i < me use hi> /i <me use his> /i <e use his > /i < use his f> /i <use his fo> /i <se his fon> /i <e his font> /i < his font.> /i <his font.)> /i <is font.) > /i <s font.) > /i < font.) > /i <font.) > /i <ont.) > /i <nt.) > /i <t.) > /i <.) > /i <) > /i < > /i <> #send Animation:Start @Moogle #cycle 1 /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w #END @Baller #END :Start #change red invisible red water #change blue invisible blue water #send Baln:Start #change yellow invisible forest #change forest boulder #change green invisible boulder #send all:Show2 #END :Show2 #char 7 #END