#cycle 1 /i ------------A /i -----------A- /i ----------A-C /i ---------A-Co /i --------A-Cou /i -------A-Coun /i ------A-Count /i -----A-Countr /i ----A-Country /i ---A-Country- /i --A-Country-G /i -A-Country-Ga /i A-Country-Gam /i -Country-Game /i Country-Games /i ountry-Games- /i untry-Games-P /i ntry-Games-Pr /i try-Games-Pro /i ry-Games-Prod /i y-Games-Produ /i -Games-Produc /i Games-Product /i ames-Producti /i mes-Productio /i es-Production /i s-Production- /i _Production-- /i Production--- /i roduction---- /i oduction----- /i duction------ /i uction------- /i ction-------- /i tion--------- /i ion---------- /i on----------- /i n------------ /i ------------- /i ------------- /i ------------- /i ------------P /i -----------Pl /i ----------Ple /i ---------Plea /i --------Pleas /i -------Please /i ------Please- /i -----Please-w /i ----Please-wa /i ---Please-wai /i --Please-wait /i -Please-wait- /i Please-wait-a /i lease-wait-a- /i ease-wait-a-m /i ase-wait-a-mo /i se-wait-a-mom /i e-wait-a-mome /i -wait-a-momen /i wait-a-moment /i ait-a-moment- /i it-a-moment-t /i t-a-moment-to /i -a-moment-to- /i a-moment-to-s /i -moment-to-se /i moment-to-see /i oment-to-see- /i ment-to-see-s /i ent-to-see-so /i nt-to-see-som /i t-to-see-some /i -to-see-some- /i to-see-some-c /i o-see-some-co /i -see-some-coo /i -see-some-coo /i see-some-cool /i ee-some-cool- /i e-some-cool-s /i -some-cool-sp /i some-cool-spe /i ome-cool-spec /i me-cool-speci /i e-cool-specia /i -cool-special /i cool-special- /i ool-special-e /i ol-special-ef /i l-special-eff /i -special-effe /i special-effec /i pecial-effect /i ecial-effexts /i cial-effects, /i ial-effects,- /i al-effects,-a /i l-effects,-an /i -effects,-and /i effects,-and- /i ffects,-and-t /i fects,-and-to /i ects,-and-to- /i cts,-and-to-l /i ts,-and-to-li /i s,-and-to-lis /i ,-and-to-list /i -and-to-liste /i and-to-listen /i nd-to-listen- /i d-to-listen-t /i -to-listen-to /i to-listen-to- /i o-listen-to-s /i -listen-to-so /i listen-to-som /i isten-to-some /i sten-to-some- /i ten-to-some-m /i en-to-some-mu /i n-to-some-mus /i -to-some-musi /i to-some-music /i o-some-music. /i -some-music.- /i some-music.-- /i ome-music.--- /i me-music.---- /i e-music.----- /i -music.------ /i music.------- /i usic.-------- /i sic.--------- /i ic.---------- /i c.----------- /i .------------ /i ------------- /i ------------- /i ------------- /i ------------- /i ------------- /i ------------P /i -----------Pl /i ----------Ple /i ---------Plea /i --------Pleas /i -------Please /i ------Please- /i -----Please-w /i ----Please-wa /i ---Please-wai /i --Please-wait /i -Please-wait- /i Please-wait-a /i lease-wait-a- /i ease-wait-a-m /i ase-wait-a-mo /i se-wait-a-mom /i e-wait-a-mome /i -wait-a-momen /i wait-a-moment /i ait-a-moment- /i it-a-moment-t /i t-a-moment-to /i -a-moment-to- /i a-moment-to-s /i -moment-to-se /i moment-to-see /i oment-to-see- /i ment-to-see-s /i ent-to-see-so /i nt-to-see-som /i t-to-see-some /i -to-see-some- /i to-see-some-c /i o-see-some-co /i -see-some-coo /i -see-some-coo /i see-some-cool /i ee-some-cool- /i e-some-cool-s /i -some-cool-sp /i some-cool-spe /i ome-cool-spec /i me-cool-speci /i e-cool-specia /i -cool-special /i cool-special- /i ool-special-e /i ol-special-ef /i l-special-eff /i -special-effe /i special-effec /i pecial-effect /i ecial-effexts /i cial-effects, /i ial-effects,- /i al-effects,-a /i l-effects,-an /i -effects,-and /i effects,-and- /i ffects,-and-t /i fects,-and-to /i ects,-and-to- /i cts,-and-to-l /i ts,-and-to-li /i s,-and-to-lis /i ,-and-to-list /i -and-to-liste /i and-to-listen /i nd-to-listen- /i d-to-listen-t /i -to-listen-to /i to-listen-to- /i o-listen-to-s /i -listen-to-so /i listen-to-som /i isten-to-some /i sten-to-some- /i ten-to-some-m /i en-to-some-mu /i n-to-some-mus /i -to-some-musi /i to-some-music /i o-some-music. /i -some-music.- /i some-music.-- /i ome-music.--- /i me-music.---- /i e-music.----- /i -music.------ /i music.------- /i usic.-------- /i sic.--------- /i ic.---------- /i c.----------- /i ------------- /i ------------- /i ------------- /i ------------- :now /i ------------A /i -----------A- /i ----------A-C /i ---------A-Co /i --------A-Cou /i -------A-Coun /i ------A-Count /i -----A-Countr /i ----A-Country /i ---A-Country- /i --A-Country-G /i -A-Country-Ga /i A-Country-Gam /i -Country-Game /i Country-Games /i ountry-Games- /i untry-Games-P /i ntry-Games-Pr /i try-Games-Pro /i ry-Games-Prod /i y-Games-Produ /i -Games-Produc /i Games-Product /i ames-Producti /i mes-Productio /i es-Production /i s-Production- /i _Production-- /i Production--- /i roduction---- /i oduction----- /i duction------ /i uction------- /i ction-------- /i tion--------- /i ion---------- /i on----------- /i n------------ /i ------------- /i #send now @music #end :play #PLAY I-AB!+QCAFIGFQFEE #PLAY I-GAQB!+GEIFEQDCC #PLAY I-AB!Q+CIFGQAIAGQDIGAQB! #PLAY IAGQCB!AGH..FIX #PLAY Q.FIFQAFQ.GIGHGQ.GIGQB! #PLAY QGQ.AIAHA #PLAY Q.AIAQ+C-AQ.B!IB!QB! #PLAY IAGHCEH.F #die ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ #cycle 1 #end :shot #char 254 #put n white boulder #put s white boulder #put w white boulder #put e white boulder /i #change white boulder cyan boulder #char 249 /i #change cyan boulder blue boulder #char 250 /i #change boulder empty #put w purple invisible #put e purple invisible #char 32 #end ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ @fire2 #cycle 1 #end :ready /e #end :shot #lock #char 254 #try s ee #char 4 #try s ee #shot :ee #char 249 /i #char 250 /i #char 32 /n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/w #unlock #end ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ @Info /i/i/i/i/i/s #end :shot #play t--ct+cd# #char 002 /s/s/s /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w #shoot s #end :get /s/s/s/s/s/s/s #play tc-c+d-d+e-e+f-f+g-g !a;Thank you for downloading Pac-Man. !a;This game is freeware; pass it out to !a;anybody, as long as no one sells it. !a;Now, how about a bit of fun? What !a;you like to see? !eat;I'd like to see myself get eaten. !boom;I'd like to see some fireworks. !nope;I'd like to see both. #end :eat #send scream:death /i/i/i/i/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/w/w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w #char 255 #play gggg $AAAAAAAAAAAGH $HELP ME! #send music:play /e #put w yellow solid /e #put w yellow solid /e #put w yellow solid /e #put w yellow solid /i #shoot e /i #shoot e /i #shoot e #end :boom $Look to your right...... $Here comes a bunch of `em! #send scream:death #Send Fire:work /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i #send fire:work2 /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i #send fire:work3 /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i #send fire:work4 #send music:play /n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n #die :nope $Didn't your mother tell you not to be so $greedy? You ain't gettin nothing! #send scream:death #send music:play /n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n #die :a #send scream:death #send music:play #end ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ /w/w/w #play t+c-gec #die /w/w/w/w/w/w #play ttc-ggc #die /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w #play t+c-gec #die /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w #play ttc-ggc #die /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w #play t+c-gec #die /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w #play ttc-ggc #die /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w #play t+c-gec #die /w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w #play ttc-ggc #die /w/w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w #play t+c-gec #die /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w #play ttc-ggc #die /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w #play t+c-gec #die /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w #play ttc-ggc #die /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w #play t+c-gec #die /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w #play ttc-ggc #change yellow invisible solid #char 255 #put w yellow solid /e #put w yellow solid /e #put w yellow solid #shoot e #die ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ @Fader /i/i/i #change red invisible water #change red water breakable #change red breakable normal #change red normal solid /i/i/i #change red solid normal #change red normal breakable #change red breakable water #change red water invisible #restart ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ @scream #end :shot #play t--ct+cd# #char 232 #send Info:get #end :death #die ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ Û ÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ @fire #end :work #shoot n /i/i/i #change bullet star /i/i/i #cycle 1 #change star yellow fake /i #change yellow fake cyan fake /i #change cyan fake blue fake /i #change blue fake empty #cycle 3 #end :work2 #shoot n #end :work3 #shoot n /i #shoot n /i #shoot n #end :work4 #fire2:ready #shoot n #end ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛ Û ÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ Û ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛÛ Û Û Û ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û Û Û Û ÛÛ @0 #char 086 /i/i #send a1:go @a1 #end :go #char 083 /i/i #send a2:go @a2 #end :go #char 046 /i/i #send a3:go @a3 #end :go #char 090 /i/i #send a4:go @a4 #end :go #char 065 /i/i #send a5:go @a5 #end :go #char 067 /i/i #send a6:go @a6 #end :go #char 196 /i/i #send a7:go @a7 #end :go #char 077 /i/i #send a8:go @a8 #end :go #char 065 /i/i #send a9:go @a9 #end :go #char 078