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THAT WAS DELIBERATE. #char 97 °±±° °±° o t #char 109 by piroteckkie @Codes #end 'touch YOU CAN EITHER UPGRADE YOUR LEVEL ONE CODE OR JACK OFF, YOU COCKEATING FUCKBUTT !upg1;I WISH TO UPGRADE !bah;I WISH TO JACK OFF !no;KILL ME !no;I LIKE DICK !no; TOIRE MIZU NOMIMASU #end :upg1 UPGRADE WHICH CODE BITCH !hrd2;Satan Mode. !sec2;Secret World 1. !use2;"Lots of Ammo". !ezy2;10,000 health. !no;TOIRE MIZU NOMIMASU !era2;Intro. #end :hrd2 #if not satanmode no OKAY WHAT DOES THIS NEW UPGRADE DO SIR !no;Cuts your health in half on every boss $fight. !no;Kills you when you get to 400 ammo. !no;Kills you when you get a torch. !had2;Starts you off with one health. !no;TOIRE MIZU NOMIMASU #end :had2 WHAT IS THE CODE BITCH !no;IAMTIMSWEENEYBITCH !no;gblarfhg !har2;hahahahahahayoubitch !no;SHITLICKFAGWOMAN !no;TOIRE MIZU NOMIMASU #end :har2 #take health 99 #clear satanmode #set hard2 #restore touch #end :sec2 #if not cow no WHAT DOES THE UPGRADE DO SIR !no;BWAHBWHABW !no;IT GIVES YOU AMMO BITCH !ser2;YOU PLAY AS A YOUND DICKBALLS AND $FLASH PEOPLE SIR !no;DNDNDNDNDNDNDND !no;TOIRE MIZU NOMIMASU #end :ser2 WHAT IS THE CODE BITCH !see2;fleshcrabinmyanus !no;ZZVMUWGB !no;GBLARFGH !no;XJJJXJXXJJJJXJJX !no;TOIRE MIZU NOMIMASU #end :see2 #clear cow #set ydb #restore touch #end :use2 #if not useless1 no #end :ezy2 #if not ez1 no #end :era2 #if not grrsir no #end :touch Whatcha want? !1;Satan Mode! !2;Secret World 1! !3;"Lots of ammo"! !4;10,000 Health! !no; TOIRE MIZU NOMIMASU !5;The intro! /i#touch #end :1 What's it do? I forgot. !yeh1;If your health goes past 666, you $die. !no;You lose. !no;You get lotsa ammo. !no;BUTFUX !no;TOIRE MIZU NOMIMASU /i #end :yeh1 What's the code? !no;nowayjose !no;highsir !no;worshipgod !no;theyalllaughed !no;TOIRE MIZU NOMIMASU !no;ilikesex !yes1;maryhadalittllamb !no;suckonmybigfurrypenis !no;sexisgood !no;foryou !no;sir !no;fishfood #end :yes1 #set satanmode Satan mode is activated. #restore touch #end :2 Secret World, eh? How do ya get there? !no;Eat the pie. !no;Feed the goat. !yes2;Get eaten by the blue cow. !no;Dunno. !no;TOIRE MIZU NOMIMASU !no;Eat shit. !no;Anal sex. !no;Don't win. #end :yes2 Eh? What's the code for it? !no;eatmebitch !no;nalmantrhax !no;asfgadsgdsddd !no;buttslut !no;TOIRE MIZU NOMIMASU !no;hotslots !no;digdug !no;hellorsir !yeh2;Gastrointestinal !no;fuckballs !no;dbz #end :yeh2 #set cow #restore touch #end :3 A "lot of ammo" eh? What's it do? !no;Masahiro: I GOT A GOOD FEELING!!!! !yes3;Gives you a "lot of ammo". !no;Analsex: This is the way! !no;Kazuki: PAIN !no;TOIRE MIZU NOMIMASU !no;Gives you 20,000 ammo. !no;GWARRGGH !no;I LIKE TO EAT EDIBLES !no;GKWELJWEWKELW NDNDNDNDNNDDNADIRD #end :yes3 Okay, then, what's the code? !no;harder !no;oral !no;wanzeronwanzer !no;wazxscdtfvgbhnjml !no;TOIRE MIZU NOMIMASU !no;sdldfhshfdsahjdfsahjdsfhdfshfdsfdsa !no;yousuck !no;cameltoe !no;gblarfgh !yeh3;givemeoneammobitch #end :yeh3 #give ammo 1 #set useless1 #restore touch #end :4 Really, eh? What's it do? !no;Isn't that kinda redundant? !no;GBLARFGH !no;Dunno. !no;GIVES YOU HEALTH SIR !no;TOIRE MIZU NOMIMASU !yes4;GIVES YOU 10,000 HEALTH SARH #end :yes4 What's the code? !yeh4;ialonewilldetermineyourname !no;ohtothhtothot !no;darklightevilgood !no;asgfjhkj !no;TOIRE MIZU NOMIMASU #end :yeh4 #give health 10000 #set ez1 #restore touch #end :5 What's it do? !no;GARHFGHGHGSDDFAGF !no;DUNOO SIR !no;WHAT A PUHHDICAMENT !no;AGH MORE DOBERMANS !no;TOIRE MIZU NOMIMASU !yes5;Tells you about your character. !no;It shows the intro. #end :yes5 Okay, what's the code? !no;WHATAMMEWHORAREAHHFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK !no;WHEREAMSUPERMANSUSNARFSNARFNSNARFSNARF !yeh5;WHOAMIWHEREAMIAHHBITCHBITCHWHORESLUT !no;DIE !no;TOIRE MUZU NOMIMASU !no;FUCK !no;DIEDIEDIE !no;HGDSPKAFJ !no;hooijvcx !no;zxcv #end :yeh5 #set grrsir #clear intro #restore touch #end :no /i BITCH BITCH DAMMIT BITCH BASTARD FUCKWHORE /i #endgame #no #end :bah FAG FAG BITCH FAG WHORE SLUT FUCKER #end °°±² ²±°±² ²±°° @dnddndndnnddndndndnnnnn #end :touch This game is the kind of conceptual stupid game that isn't made because it sucks. Well, I decided to actually make it, and it does suck, as you will see. I made this game using ZOOMit, as you can see, and this game isn't very good. I have other plans for this nifty little program, but for now, I make this steaming heap of crap. This game features shoddy graphics, a cheesy plot, and better-than-average programming, replay value and gameplay (seeing as how the average is "DNDNDNDDDNNN U LOST TEH TIGRSZ KIL U"). It's okay, and some of the enemies that I've programmed are pretty cool, but this game overall is a steaming heap of shit. I want to work on Wings of the Seraph now, and I have abandoned this game, and have released it in it's 90% finished form. It had a few songs in it, and I have ported those for later use. °°±² ²±°°°±² ²±°° ÜÜ °°±² ²±°°°°°±² ²±°° ßßßÜ Ý ÞßÝ °Ý±² ²±°°°±°°°±²ÜÜÜÜ° Ü Ý Þß Þ Ý °°±² ²±°°°±²±Ü°°±Ý ÝÞ°° Þ Ý Þ Ý ÞÜÝ °°±Ý ²ÞÜÜ°±²Ûޱݰޱ²Ý²Ý°° ßß Ý ßß Þ °°Ý² ݱ°°°±²Þ°Ý°Ý² ݱް ßßßß Þ °°±²Ý²±°°°±°ß°±² ²±°° @music 'SAD SONG OF SADNESS 'by piroteckkie #end #play haaxacxa#a /i/i/i/i #play saacac#aaacaca#aacacac#aabca#11121 #play 60tebeiaa #play 60tebeibc #play 60tebeiaxaxa °°±² ²±°°°°°±² ²±°° @"music" 'A fun little jig 'By piroteckkie 'probably the ONLY song here by me. #play -cdsdfdifcdfscidfabsiabab-babababa #play -csdcdiecedsiffdcefisbedfsbdecbfcaef #play -sbdecbdecbdecibdecxxxxxgarrahg °°±² ²±°°°±² ²±°° ÛÛ²°±Û²±²±ÛÛ°±ÛÛÛ°°°°°±°°±±±±²²±²²Û ±±²ßßßßßÛÛÛ °²Û ±²²Û±²Û±ÛÛ±²±°°°±°±±±±²±±²²Û ²²ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜÛÛ Û° °±²Û° ²°ÛÛ°°°°±°±°²±±± ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß ÛÛÛÛÛÛ±ÛÛÛÛ²²°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ßßßßßßßßß ÛÛÛÛ°°°°°°°°°°ÛÛÛ²±°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°±±±±±±°²ÛÛÛ±±±±Û²Û°°±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±²²²²²²²²±ÛÛ²²²°²°ÛÛÛ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²made with ZOOMit for info to enter code