@up #cycle 1 #end :touch #play tsftxc #selector:up #end °±² @Help #end :touch $Quidditch $ $This is a game called Quidditch. It is $a snozzlewanger sport. It comes from $Harry Potter. I don't like him. But $anyways, this is from Harry Potter. If $you haven't read that book, you don't $want to. This is a sport from that. $You have to catch the golden ball and $then you win. The ball runs away. $The catch is that a bunch of people are $chasing you with spiked metal clubs. $They hit you, you die. /i $There are four skill levels. I know that $there's only three on the selector but $besides those, there is a Nightmare Mode! $Since it isn't remotly fair, I made it $hidden. You have to find it to play it. $If you really want to know, you have to $select Hard mode and go to the top. $There, you can find a cyan block. If you $touch that, Nightmare mode will activate. $There is another mode that I didn't say. $Yes, there are FIVE modes. This one is $so secret, all I will tell you is it's $name: Herbal Essances Mode! /i #play s.e!s.cqgqc /i $Note: $The game screws up after you die or win $or something for some reason so you have $to reload the map again. /i $Please review this. I am looking forward $to your insults on how sucky this is. /i $E-mail me. The adress is on the bottom $of the screen. /i $ $A snozlewanger is from Rahl Dahl. $ #end ² Q U I D D I T C H @thing #cycle 1 #set screw #restart #end ²±° °±² @down #cycle 1 #end :touch #play tsftxc #selector:down #end ²±° °±² ²±° °±² EASY ²±° °±² ²±° °±² ²±° °±² @clr #cycle 1 #end :do #change blue solid invisible #change green solid invisible #change cyan solid invisible #change blue normal invisible #change green normal invisible #change cyan normal invisible #change blue breakable invisible #change green breakable invisible #change cyan breakable invisible #change blue water invisible #change green water invisible #change cyan water invisible #end ²±° °±² @selector #cycle 1 #clear c1 #set c1 :loop /i#change blue invisible water /i#change blue water breakable /i#change blue breakable normal /i#change blue normal solid /i#change blue solid normal /i#change blue normal breakable /i#change blue breakable water /i#change blue water invisible /i/i/i #loop :loop /i#change green invisible water /i#change green water breakable /i#change green breakable normal /i#change green normal solid /i#change green solid normal /i#change green normal breakable /i#change green breakable water /i#change green water invisible /i/i/i #loop :loop /i#change cyan invisible water /i#change cyan water breakable /i#change cyan breakable normal /i#change cyan normal solid /i#change cyan solid normal /i#change cyan normal breakable /i#change cyan breakable water /i#change cyan water invisible /i/i/i #loop :loop #restore loop #loop :up #clr:do #if c1 dc3 #if c2 dc1 #if c3 dc2 #loop :down #clr:do #zap loop #if c1 c2 #if c2 c3 #if c3 c1 #loop :c1 #clear c1 #clear c2 #clear c3 #set c1 #loop :c2 #clear c1 #clear c2 #clear c3 #set c2 #loop :c3 #clear c1 #clear c2 #clear c3 #set c3 #loop :dc1 #clear c1 #clear c2 #clear c3 #set c1 #restore loop #loop :dc2 #clear c1 #clear c2 #clear c3 #set c2 #restore loop #zap loop #loop :dc3 #clear c1 #clear c2 #clear c3 #set c3 #restore loop #zap loop #zap loop #loop MEDIUM ²±° °±² @clear #cycle 1 #end :do #change blue solid invisible #change blue normal invisible #change blue breakable invisible #change blue water invisible #change green solid invisible #change green normal invisible #change green breakable invisible #change green water invisible #change cyan solid invisible #change cyan normal invisible #change cyan breakable invisible #change cyan water invisible #end ²±° °±² ²±° °±² ²±° °±² HARD ²±° °±² ²±° °±² ²±° °±² Fungus Shark Û Û Select Help ²±° °±² Activate ²±° fungus_shark408@hotmail.com