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My name is LeGrant Tur, /i/i/i/i and I'm here to give you your first taste /i/i/i/i of the excitement of playing this unique, /i/i/i/i randomly generated game. At present, there /i/i/i/i are nearly a THOUSAND levels in 15 game /i/i/i/i worlds, but depending on your speed and /i/i/i/i difficulty settings, you'll probably play /i/i/i/i fewer than 90 of them. In my experience, /i/i/i/i however, it's always better just to get /i/i/i/i right into the thick of it, if you know /i/i/i/i what I mean, but don't press P yet! /i/i/i/i Let ME start the tour for you. /i/i/i/i/i#c:a #put s player #cycle 1 /e :b /i#if not contact b #c:b /w#shoot s #cycle 5 LeGrant: Good, you're here. What I'm about /i/i/i/i to do next is begin generating a run-on /i/i/i/i world, so you can see how it'll work. /i/i/i/i/i Now, unlike most of the worlds, I will be /i/i/i/i moving the level a specific number of /i/i/i/i spaces each time. In the real game, the /i/i/i/i movement will be driven by your /i/i/i/i progression through the level. /i/i/i/i/i#cycle 1 :c #change bullet cyan sliderew #change empty cyan sliderew #change white breakable red sliderew #change blue normal green sliderew #f:b :d :d :d :d :d :d /w#e:a #d:a #zap d #d :d #restore d /i#f:c #change cyan sliderew empty #change red sliderew door #change red door breakable #change green sliderew blue normal #zap e #cycle 5 #if blocked e shoot e /e#if blocked e shoot e /e#if blocked e shoot e /e#if blocked e shoot e /e#if blocked e shoot e /e#if blocked e shoot e /e#e :e :e As you can see, I have just "moved" the /i/i/i/i whole level over 6 spaces, and the new /i/i/i/i portions of the level have been randomly /i/i/i/i generated. /i/i#cycle 1 #c :e Of course, this level is only a demo. In /i/i/i/i the full version, you can expect to see /i/i/i/i monsters, items, and a variety of unique /i/i/i/i and interesting terrains. /i/i#cycle 1 #c :e Let's just keep moving along, shall we? /i/i#cycle 1 #c :e Anyway, you get the idea. /i/i/i/i/i Just press escape, then Y, then P to play. /i :f /i/i#cycle 1 #c :e :e :e Just press escape, then Y, then P to play. /i#f :e :e What in the world are you still doing /i/i/i/i here? Play, you freak! /i#f :e You're really starting to bother me. I'm /i/i/i/i taking the route OUT! #f:b #walk w /i/i/i#b:a @d #cycle 1 #end :a #if blocked rndne b :d #put w cyan sliderew :e #end :b #if blocked rndne c #put w red sliderew #e :c #if not blocked rndp rndne d #put w green sliderew #e ²Û°°°°±±±±±±±²±²±±°°°±°±±°±±±²²²ÛÛÛÛ #bind f #bind d ²ÛÛÛ°°°°±±±±±±±±±±±°°±°±±±±²²²²²²ÛÛ° #bind f @e #cycle 1 #end :a #if not blocked rndp rndne b #put w cyan sliderew #end :b #put w red sliderew ²ÛÛÛÛÛ°°°°±±±±±±°±°°°°°°±±°±±±±²²²ÛÛ #bind f #bind d ²ÛÛÛÛÛ°Û°°°°°±±°±±±°°°°°±±±±²±±²²²²Û #bind f #bind d ²ÛÛÛÛ²ÛÛ°Û°°°°±±°°Û° °°°°±²±²²±²²Û²Û #bind f #bind d ²²Û²ÛÛÛÛ°ÛÛ°°°°°°°Û°°°°°°°±±²²²²Û²ÛÛ #bind f #bind d ²Û²ÛÛÛ²²ÛÛ°°ÛÛ°°Û°Û°°°°°°±±²²²²²²²²Û ²²²²²Û²ÛÛÛÛÛÛ°°ÛÛÛ #cycle 1 /i#if not contact restart #put w empty /w#put s empty /s#put s empty #shoot s #put s empty #put s slime #put n empty #put n fake #put e empty #put e fake °°°°±°±²±²²ÛÛÛÛÛ°°°°Û±°±±±°°±±±±²²²²²²²²²Û²²²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²Ûð °°°°°±±²²²²Û²ÛÛ°°°°°°°±°°±±±±±±²²±±²±±±²²±²Û²²²ÛÛÛÛ²ÛÛÛÛ²² °°°°°°±±²²²ÛÛÛ°°°°°°°°°±°°°²²±²²²±±²²±°±²±²²²²²²²ÛÛ±²²²²Û² °°°±°±±²²ÛÛ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛ°°°±±°°±±²±²²±±°±±°±²²±²±²²±²²Û±±²ÛÛ²²² @c #cycle 1 #end :a #put n player #end :b #shoot n °°°°±°±±²²²²²Û²ÛÛÛÛÛ°°°±°±±±±±²²±±±°±°°±±±±²²²²±²²²²±²²±±± @b #cycle 1 /i :A SJT$SBI /i DSRJTDD /i KTRTYKD /i SRnJSJS /i LInYSFC /i rEnHKEH /i rUnEXG: /i rYnFSU: /i r4n6DF: /i runGTY: /i run-HJ: /i run-E5: /i run-63: /i run-Dn: /i run-Kn: /i run-7n: /i run-on: /i run-on: /i run-on: /i run-on: /i un-on: /i n-on: p /i -on: pr /i on: pre /i n: pres /i : press /i press /i press p /i ress p /i ess p t /i ss p to /i s p to /i p to p /i p to pl /i to pla /i to play /i o play, /i play, /i play, o /i lay, or /i ay, or /i y, or w /i , or wa /i or wai /i or wait /i r wait /i wait a /i wait ar /i ait aro /i it arou /i t aroun /i around /i around /i round a /i ound a /i und a s /i nd a se /i d a sec /i a seco /i a secon /i second /i second /i econd f /i cond fo /i ond for /i nd for /i d for t /i for th /i for the /i or the /i r the g /i the gr /i the gra /i he gran /i e grand /i grand /i grand t /i rand to /i and tou /i nd tour /i d tour! /i tour! /i tour! /i our! /i ur! /i r! /i ! /i /i /i r! /i our! /i tour! /i d tour! /i d tour! /i dDtour! /i dYtour! /i dJt5ur! /i dEtour! /i dBt245! /i 6OtoGG! /i 5Pt265Q /i dDt2uHW /i dWt267E /i 3JH523R /i 5HI6u8T /i 7HEH64Y /I#A:a #a :b Ÿ