@up #cycle 1 #end :touch #play tsftxc #selector:up #end °±² @Selector #end :touch $ $SELECTOR $ by: Chronos30 $ This is an incredible engine used to make the title screen interactive! Just press up and down to select an item, then press 'P' to play! The game will tell you which item you selected, and so it recognizes it! $ This is very complicated. A player 'clone' is situated somewhere, and surrounded by objects. It touches them, and a variety of things happen to make the engine 'select'. It sets a certain flag for each, and when you play the game, it reads that flag and tells you which item is selected! This technology paves the way for title screen password-inputters, or even games built in to the title screen!! All it takes is a player clone and a few objects. $ $NOTE: $ Unfortunately, if you play the game and exit back to the title screen, then play again,it will not register your selection. You must re-load the game to use the engine again. $ #end S E L E C T O R E N G I N E ²±° °±² @down #cycle 1 #end :touch #play tsftxc #selector:down #end ²±° °±² ²±° °±² Selection 1 ²±° °±² ²±° °±² ²±° °±² @clr #cycle 1 #end :do #change blue solid invisible #change green solid invisible #change cyan solid invisible #change blue normal invisible #change green normal invisible #change cyan normal invisible #change blue breakable invisible #change green breakable invisible #change cyan breakable invisible #change blue water invisible #change green water invisible #change cyan water invisible #end ²±° °±² @selector #cycle 1 #clear c1 #set c1 :loop /i#change blue invisible water /i#change blue water breakable /i#change blue breakable normal /i#change blue normal solid /i#change blue solid normal /i#change blue normal breakable /i#change blue breakable water /i#change blue water invisible /i/i/i #loop :loop /i#change green invisible water /i#change green water breakable /i#change green breakable normal /i#change green normal solid /i#change green solid normal /i#change green normal breakable /i#change green breakable water /i#change green water invisible /i/i/i #loop :loop /i#change cyan invisible water /i#change cyan water breakable /i#change cyan breakable normal /i#change cyan normal solid /i#change cyan solid normal /i#change cyan normal breakable /i#change cyan breakable water /i#change cyan water invisible /i/i/i #loop :loop #restore loop #loop :up #clr:do #if c1 dc3 #if c2 dc1 #if c3 dc2 #loop :down #clr:do #zap loop #if c1 c2 #if c2 c3 #if c3 c1 #loop :c1 #clear c1 #clear c2 #clear c3 #set c1 #loop :c2 #clear c1 #clear c2 #clear c3 #set c2 #loop :c3 #clear c1 #clear c2 #clear c3 #set c3 #loop :dc1 #clear c1 #clear c2 #clear c3 #set c1 #restore loop #loop :dc2 #clear c1 #clear c2 #clear c3 #set c2 #restore loop #zap loop #loop :dc3 #clear c1 #clear c2 #clear c3 #set c3 #restore loop #zap loop #zap loop #loop Selection 2 ²±° °±² @clear #cycle 1 #end :do #change blue solid invisible #change blue normal invisible #change blue breakable invisible #change blue water invisible #change green solid invisible #change green normal invisible #change green breakable invisible #change green water invisible #change cyan solid invisible #change cyan normal invisible #change cyan breakable invisible #change cyan water invisible #end ²±° °±² ²±° °±² ²±° °±² Selection 3 ²±° °±² ²±° °±² ²±° °±² By Chronos30 Û Û Select Help ²±° °±² Activate ²±°