² @googoogaagaa #cycle 15 #play tcdeff#ed#c#xxxcdeff#ed#c#xxx /i #play tcdeff#ed#c#xxxcdeff#ed#c#xxx /i/i #play icqc#icqc#icqc#icqc#icfec#c#cqc#icq /i/i #play qc#icqc#icc#c#dgfegcqc#icqc#icqc#ic /i/i #cycle 30 #play ic#ccdefccc#c#ccc#c#ccd#d#ccd#d# /i #play iccddccddccc#c#ccc#c#ggg#g#ggg#g#gg /i #play iffggffggeeggeeggd#d#ggd#d#ddd#d#dd /i #play id#d#ddg#g#ddg#g#g#g#ddg#g#ddg#g#cc /i #play ig#g#ccd#d#ggd#d#g#g#d#d#ggd#d#g#g# /i #play iddffddg#g#ddffddggccd#d#cc-ff+cc-gg /i/i #play icc-ccddeefff#f#gga#a#bb /i/i #play cc-ccddeefff#f#gga#a#bb /i/i #play cc-ccddeefff#f#gga#a#bbxxxx /i #play +cdeff#edc#xxxcdeff#edc#xxx /i #play +cdeff#edc#xxxcdeff#edc#xxx /i #play wc @Schtuff #cycle 1 #end :appear #put s cyan door #put s fake /s @Flash1 #cycle 1 #end :appear #if blocked e #opt2:flash /i/i #appear @Indicator #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 16 #end :down #if blocked s #end #play --d ?s #end :up #if blocked n #end #play --d ?n #end @About dis Quap! #cycle 1 #end :check #if blocked w #explain #end :explain #play ++gc $ $°±²Û CONTROLS You're already controlling the menu, moron. So... $°±²Û The History of ChickenWire ChickenWire was born on the 26th of December, 1998. After making Dragon Woods and having a severe mental block with /\/emesis, I decided I was really damned sick of making RPGs, so I would go in the other direction and make what was to become one of the blueprints for the whole "mind-vomit ZZT game" genre. I'm actually quite proud of it ^_^ So, why do I keep harassing you people with new versions? Well, there's two reasons. The first is that ChickenWire is made primarily for one person. His name is Zenith Nadir. Correct, I make it for my own amusement. However, as I progress through life there are bound to be changes in my perspective, as things that were previously amusing become stale/ immature/stupid/whatever to me. So I change them. But, it would be a bit pointless, even by my standards, to do this if nobody else was to see it. Hence, I made it public domain. The other reason is that parts of CW are community jokes, and again the community moves around over time and as contemporary jibes become history, it's only right to move on. I'm not stuck in 1999 like GChucky, thank the divine spirits This probably isn't a final version, but enjoy it anyway. That's sort of its function. Oh, and I seriously don't advise leaving the violence meter on for too long. It can get quite na s t y y y y -Zenith $ @Opt1 #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 67 #end :flash #put s red object /i #put s white object /i #end @Opt #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 111 #end @Opt #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 110 #end @Opt #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 116 #end @Opt #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 114 #end @Opt #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 111 #end @Opt #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 108 #end @Opt #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 115 #end @ControlN #cycle 1 #end :appear #put s player #char 219 #end :touch #indicator:up #end @Flash2 #cycle 1 #end :appear #if blocked e #opt1:flash /i/i #appear @ChickenWire Credits #Cycle 1 #end :check #if blocked w #credits #end :credits #play ++gc $ $°±²ÛÝCHICKENWIRE v1.8 CREDITSÞÛ²±° $Almost everything, durnit - Zenith N. $Moo-sick by - Viovis Acropolis $EVEN MORE MUSE SICK - Viovis A. $Prez of ERI - See above I wish to sincerely thank the following: $ $ $ $ $ You dig? Good. I HATE YOU ALL ...I'm kidding, of course. Vredits at the end. $ @Opt2 #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 67 #end :flash #put n red object /i #put n white object /i #end :flash2 #put s red object /i #put s white object /i #end @Opt #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 114 #end @Opt #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 101 #end @Opt #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 100 #end @Opt #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 105 #end @Opt #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 116 #end @Opt #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 115 #end @Druduh #cycle 1 #end :light /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i #others:da #light @ControlE #end :appear #char 219 #end :touch #all:check @Flash3 #cycle 1 #end :appear #if blocked e #opt2:flash2 /i/i #appear @ERI #cycle 1 #end :check #if blocked w #cat #end :cat #play ++gc $ $°±²ÛÝ Eagle Rock Interactive ÞÛ²±° ERI is the company I am currently in. Well I say company, but what I mean is basically a group of ZZTers who pledge themselves and their games to each other. Whatever, here are the current members; $Viovis Acropolis $President $Wayward $Vice President $Flea-ridden proletariat $Atrocity $Zamros $craNKGod $Lemmer $Ryosuke $Benco $Scribbit $Zenith Nadir $Vork $HenchSOD Kracken $WeevilMario $Zenryoku $Master Raze $Flimsy Parkins $micr0wave $Insane Moose $Games ...what do you think this is, an IF game? Well, I suppose it was once. I don't wanna type out all the stuff, so go to http://eri.zzt.org for stufferoooooooooo $ @Opt3 #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 69 #end :flash #put s red object /i #put s white object /i #end @Opt #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 82 #end @Opt3 #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 73 #end @Druduh #cycle 1 #end :light ?rnd #light :da #if blocked e #no1 #if blocked w #no2 #no3 :no1 #change green invisible white solid /i #change white solid normal /i #change white normal water /i #change white water green invisible #light :no2 #change purple invisible white solid /i #change white solid normal /i #change white normal water /i #change white water purple invisible #light :no3 #change white invisible white solid /i #change white solid normal /i #change white normal water /i #change white water invisible #light @ControlS #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 219 #end :touch #indicator:down #end @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 67 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 104 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 105 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 99 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 107 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 101 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #put n purple invisible #char 110 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 87 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 105 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 114 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 101 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 58 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 65 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 90 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 90 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 84 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 71 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 97 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 109 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 101 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 98 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 121 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 90 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #put n purple invisible #char 101 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 110 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 105 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 116 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 104 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 78 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 97 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 100 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 105 @Sir #cycle 1 #if not blocked s #goforit /i #restart :goforit /i/s #char 114 #cycle 1 #if blocked s /i#put s white object /i #restart @Shot #cycle 18 /i/i/i #cycle 1 #char 16 /i :toodles #put e empty #if blocked e #thud #put w white solid #change white normal empty /e #put e empty #if blocked e #thud #put w white normal #change white breakable empty /e #put e empty #if blocked e #thud #put w white breakable #change white water empty /e #put e empty #if blocked e #thud #put w white water #change white solid empty /e #toodles :thud #char 32 #change white water empty #put w white water /i #char 176 #change white solid empty #put w white solid /i #char 219 #change white normal empty #put w white normal /i #char 178 #change white breakable empty #put w white breakable /i #char 177 #change white water empty #put w white water /i #char 176 #put w empty /i #jim:come #die ê ê ê ê ê ê ê ã éé ã ê ã éé ã ã *  * ã ê ã *  * ã  *    *  ê @Star #cycle 1 #end :twinkle /i #char 250 /i #char 249 #twinkle  *    *   *øÎ*  ê  *øÎ* ê Π ê Π ê @Jim #cycle 2 #end :come /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i #cycle 1 #change purple invisible white line #change line line #change boulder forest #change forest normal /i #change sliderns forest #change normal breakable #change forest normal /i #change sliderew forest #change breakable water #change normal breakable #change forest normal /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i #change gem torch #change torch solid /i #change ammo torch #change torch normal /i #change blinkwall torch #change torch breakable /i #change bullet torch #change torch water /i #change energizer green solid #change ricochet green normal #change door green breakable /i #change head forest #change forest invisible #change key forest #change forest water #change tiger forest #change forest breakable /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i #cycle 1 /i/i/i/i/i #char 2 /i /e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e #put e fake /e #put e fake /e #put w normal /e #put w solid /e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/e/i/i/i/i/i/i #cycle 3 JIM: Uh.......hi. I'm Jim Doily, the /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: (Ex)-star of /\/emesis. That wanker /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: Zenith threw me out of my game, cut /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: my salary and gave me this dumb job /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: introducing this shitty rehash of CW. /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: I'm gonna kill him. But that's not /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: the point. I'm basically here to tell /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: to press `P'. But, really, I urge you /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: not to. This game is just a cheap /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: rip-off of Rangest and Triple Weird. /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: And it still sucks! /i/i #zenith:enough #end :cont ZENITH: Right, that's quite enough! /i/i/i/i/i/i ZENITH: If you don't QUIET DOWN now, I /i/i/i/i/i/i ZENITH: shall throw boiling water on the /i/i/i/i/i/i ZENITH: ants! /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: But...you DEMOTED me! I was once the /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: star of a game with real potential! /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: Now I'm just a lowly object imitating /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: that star! 'Snot fair! /i/i/i/i/i/i/i ZENITH: Don't mention snot! It is green! #zenith:augh /i/i/i/i/i/i ZENITH: Green is evil!!!!!! /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: Uh...but you're green. /i/i/i/i/i/i/i ZENITH: No I'm not. /i/i/i/i/i/i ZENITH: I'm sky blue pink with yellow /i/i/i/i/i/i ZENITH: spots! Tralalalala!!! /i/i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: You're green, admit it. /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i ZENITH: No!! No....... #zenith:melting /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i ZENITH: I'm melting...melting! Oh, what a /i/i/i/i/i/i ZENITH: world, what a world. . . #end :cont2 /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: That was strange. Well, I said I was /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: gonna kill him...heh. /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: Anyway, I'm bored now. I think I'll /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: start the absurdly flash title menu. #cycle 2 /i/i/i/i/i/i #all:appear #cycle 1 #change blue invisible ammo #change ammo solid /i #change green invisible ammo #change ammo normal /i #change red invisible ammo #change ammo breakable /i #change white invisible ammo #change ammo water #cycle 3 /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: Better. Anyway, did you know that /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: this is just the old title screen of /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: /\/emesis, but with some bits changed /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: to look better? Of course you did, /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: chances are you played the previous /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: versions of this. Gawd, what a lazy /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: #mofo that Zenith is, he doesn't /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: even redo the title screen on a /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: special edition of his own game /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: properly! Anyway, I bet /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: you'll just ignore everything I /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: just said and play this "game". /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: No skin off my nose. I don't have /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: one. I'm a leetle smiley face! /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: Well, I'll just start up the /i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: lightning, and then leave. /i/i/i/i/i #change lion green invisible #change ruffian purple invisible #change bear white invisible #druduh:light /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i JIM: Buh-bye. /i/i/i/i/i #cycle 1 :goo :goo :goo :goo :goo :goo :goo :goo :goo :goo /i#char 32 /i#char 2 #zap goo #goo :goo /i#die    @Zenith #cycle 1 #end :enough /i/i/i/i#char 1 /w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w/w #jim:cont #end :augh /n/s/n/s/n/s/n/s/n/s/n/s/n/s #end :melting #cycle 9 /i/i#char 178 /i/i#char 177 /i/i#char 176 /i/i#char 32 #jim:cont2 #die    ê