Û Û ÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛ Û Û ÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û @Glower #cycle 1 #change blue invisible white solid /i #change white solid white normal #change green invisible white solid /i #change white normal white breakable #change white solid white normal #change cyan invisible white solid /i #change white breakable white water #change white normal white breakable #change white solid white normal #change red invisible white solid /i #change white water blue invisible #change white breakable white water #change white normal white breakable #change white solid white normal /i #change white water green invisible #change white breakable white water #change white normal white breakable /i #change white water cyan invisible #change white breakable white water /i #change white water red invisible /i/i/i/i/i #restart Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ Û Û Û Û ÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û @Talker #cycle 1 #if not winner #restart #all:appear #cycle 22 <Knightt> Well. I guess the game's over. /i <Tseng> yes, yes it is. /i <Knightt> so why are we here? /i <Tseng> er.. to amuse the player! /i <Knightt> but.. that's the point of the /i game, not the title screen. /i <Tseng> We shall have to compromise. /i What does a ZZTer like best? /i <Knightt> .. senseless violence? /i <Tseng> Correct! /i * tseng pulls out an ak-47 /i <Knightt> craaaaaaaaaaaaaap! /i <Tseng> kids.. don't try this at home. /i <Knightt> why? it'd be fun to do at home. /i <Tseng> well.. since I have the kids /i following my commands.. /i Kids- Blowing up your school and bloodily /i murdering anyone who you don't like is /i legal is Tennessee. If you don't live in /i Tennessee, ask your parents to move. If /i they don't want to move, kill them. /i <Knightt> .. do you think that'll work? /i <Tseng> and kids, to prove that violence /i doesn't hurt, knightt and I have a /i demonstration for you. /i <Knightt> .. no we don't... egh? /i #tseng:fire <Tseng> Blam-0. #cycle 1 #end :return #cycle 22 <Tseng> Knightt? Knightt? You okay? /i <Knightt> UGHGHGHHHHHGHHHH /i <Tseng> see kids, life is like ZZT. You /i can take 10 bullets, then your game ends. /i <Knightt> but you can load your game, just /i like in ZZT! /i <Tseng> with that in mind, just think of /i all the fun you could have! You could do /i anything, then just load your game! /i <Knightt> In fact, here's something to do /i to prove it. Strip naked, cover yourself /i in cooking oil, and run through town /i screaming in Russian. /i <Tseng> then, find your mayor and stick /i your hand WAAAAAAAAAAAY down his pants. /i <Knightt> repeat with anyone you know, and /i all the strangers you see on the street. /i <Tseng> when they throw you in the asylum, /i just load your game! /i <Knightt> how do you load your game in /i real life? /i <Tseng> simple! do obscene, sexual things /i in public, preferably at large gatherings /i such as town meetings and concerts. /i <Knightt> it works! honest! /i <Tseng> And that's the Knightt garuntee!** /i ** - Not a real garuntee. /i <Knightt> G'ah. You've beaten the game. Go /i home now. F'eh. /i <Tseng> actually, chances are that the /i player already is at home. /i <Knightt> .. oh. /i/i <Tseng> he's still there? /i <Knightt> we're not saying anything. /i/i <Tseng> okay, maybe a little bit more. /i <Knightt> I am CID II. /i I can say "whippersnapper" and know what /i it means. Really! Worhsip me! /i * Tseng worships Knightt /i * Knightt vomits /i/i/i #cycle 15 :fegh <Knightt> enh... /i #fegh ÛÛ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ÛÛ Û Û Û Û Û Û ÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛ Û ÛÛÛ Û Û Û ÛÛÛ t h e s i m @Knightt #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 250 /i#char 43 /i#char 88 /i#char 197 /i#char 88 /i#char 197 /i#char 2 #end :shot /w #put e red water /w #put e red breakable /w #put e red normal /w #put e red solid #talker:return #end @Tseng #cycle 1 #end :appear #char 250 /i#char 43 /i#char 88 /i#char 197 /i#char 88 /i#char 197 /i#char 2 #end :fire #shoot w #end ² ²²²²²²²²² @Dancer2 #cycle 1 /e /w/w /e/e /w/w /e/e /w /s /w /e/e /w/w /e/e /w/w /e/e /w /s /e /w/w /e/e /w/w /e/e /w/w /e /n/n #restart ²²²²²²²²²²² ² @Dancer1 #cycle 1 /s /e/e/e /n /e/e/e /s /w/w/w /n /w/w/w #restart ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² @Dancer3 #cycle 1 /e/e/e /n/n /w/w/w /s/s /w/w/w/w /n/n /e/e/e /s/s /e #restart ²²²²² ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² rod @Disco #cycle 1 :gigi :gigi :gigi :gigi :gigi #play i+cx-a#xg#xgx #play sgg#g#g#xxxx #play sgg#g#g#xxxx #play i+cx-a#xg#xgx #play sgg#g#+hcqxx #zap gigi #gigi #end :gigi #die sio