@star #END :theme #char 15 #END @star #END :theme #char 15 #END @star #END :theme #char 15 #END @star #END :theme #char 15 #END @star #END :theme #char 15 #END @star #END :theme #char 15 #END @star #END :theme #char 15 #END ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ @title scanner /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i #change green object white invisible #SEND ALL:pico /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i #change blue object white invisible #SEND ALL:theme #change green invisible yellow breakable #change cyan invisible yellow normal /i/i #change yellow breakable green invisible #change purple invisible yellow normal #change yellow invisible yellow solid /i/i #change yellow normal purple invisible #change blue invisible yellow solid #END @llkdlkd #END :theme #PLAY hchgxifed+hc-gxifed+hc-gxifefhdxx #PLAY hchgxifed+hc-gxifed+hc-gxifefhdxx #PLAY +qdidheiee+qc-ibaggabaqe#g #PLAY +qdidheiee+qc-ibag+qd-iaha #PLAY +qdidheiee+qc-ibaggabaqe#g #PLAY +hbib+qeie!c-a+qe!ic#-ag+qc#-cxx #SEND theme Û Û Û Û Û ÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û Û Û Û Û @star #END :theme #char 15 #END @star #END :theme #char 15 #END @star #END :theme #char 15 #END ÛÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛ Û Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û Û Û #END :theme /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i $EPISODE VII - $THE EMPIRE HAS GAS $After the death of Darth Vader and the $black wizard peace has been restored to $the universe. But little do the space $colonies know that the Empire is licking $its wounds and slowly retaliating. Rebal $spys have intercepted certain plans for a $`eath-Day ar-Stay', a coded name that $scientists have been working on for $months to descipher. Who is the new $leader of the Empire? Where is the new $rebal base? And what the heck is Luke $Skywalker doing about it? #END Û Û Û @star #END :theme #char 15 #END Û Û Û ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û Û ÛÛ ÛÛ Û Û Û @star #END :theme #char 15 #END ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û Û Û ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ @star #END :theme #char 15 #END @star #END :theme #char 15 #END @star #END :theme #char 15 #END @star #END :theme #char 15 #END @star #END :theme #char 15 #END @star #END :theme #char 15 #END