Title ²±° ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ²±° ÛÛ°°°°°°°°°ÛÛ±±±ÛÛ #cycle 1 :do /i/i #play hchgxifed+hc-gxifed+hc-gxifefhdxx /i/i #play hchgxifed+hc-gxifed+hc-gxifefhdxx /i/i #play +qdidheiee+qc-ibaggabaqe#g /i/i #play +qdidheiee+qc-ibagtqd-iaha /i/i #play +qdidheiee+qc-ibaggabaqe#g /i/i #play +hbibtqeie!c-a+qe!ic#-ag+qc#-cxx /i/i #end Screen ²±° ÛÛ°°°°°°°°°°°ÛÛ±ÛÛÛ #cycle 1 #do #end :do #change door boulder #do #end ²²²²± ²²²²²± ²± ²²²²± ²± ²± ²±²± ²± ²± ²²²²± ²± ²± ²± ²²²²± ²± ²± ²²²²²²²± ²± ²± ²²²²± ²± ²± ²± ²± ²± ²± ²± ²± ²²²²± ²²²²± ²± ²± ²±²± ²± ²± ²± ²±²±²± ²± ²± ²²²²± ²²²²± ²² ²²± ²²²²²²²± ²± ²± ²± ²± ²± ²± ²± ²± ²± ²²²²± $Epidode: $VII $THE CHISS EMPIRE The story: It is thirty years since Darth Vader turned to the light and the Emperor fell to his death. Many have died in the struggle for freedom, but some have survived. It is a new time in the book of galactic history. The "New Republic" is the centralized government, and is run by the heroes of the war and the idealists that agree peace and equality is necessary for the survival of the government. Now, the Chiss Empire, the species of none other than Grand Admiral Thrawn himself, has decided to take on the galaxy. Will they prevail? Is the military genious that Grand Admiral Thrawn had common within their species? Can they be beaten? Only you can find out, in this all-new Star Wars ZZT game made completely by NMZmaster. For the title screen, it implements several things to make a new kind of title screen: one that is a playable part of the game. One thing I have to say, though. Listen to the instructions that come up after this. ~NMZmaster #cycle 1 #do #end :do #if not any yellow fake do2 #do #end :do2 #set titlecomplete The title screen has been completed!!!! #change blue fake player #Health:timetostop #end ²±° ÛÛ°°°°°°°°°°°°°ÛÛÛÛÛ *Game* ²±° ÛÛÛÛÛCinema ÛÛÛÛÛÛ±Û /i $Try to blast your way through all of the $chiss attackers and get to the Cinema. $Once you get there, a flag will be set. $Even when you win, you don't need to $press anything. I will do it for you. $The side meter is your health meter. If $it reaches zero, a run-time error will be $caused;it's just my way of saying "Game $Over" $PS-If you find any problems with my title $screen game engine, please email me at: $NMZmaster@aol.com $Good luck, and you have 200 ammo to use. #give ammo 200 #end ²±° Û²²²²²² ²²²²²²Û±±Û Engine ²±° Û²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²Û±±Û @Jump #end :touch #zap touch #mockery:jump #restore touch #end ²±° Û²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²Û±±Û @Left #end :touch #zap touch #mockery:Left #restore touch #end @Right #end :touch #zap touch #mockery:Right #restore touch #end ²±° ÛÛ²²ÛÛ²²²²ÛÛ²²²²ÛÛ±±Û ²±° ÛÛ²²ÛÛ²²²²ÛÛ²²²²ÛÛ±±±Û @Checkn #do #end :do #if not blocked e do2 #do #end :do2 #Mockery:shn #put e blue breakable #do #end ± @Checke #do #end :do #if not blocked s do2 #do #end :do2 #Mockery:she #put s blue breakable #do #end @Health #cycle 1 #end :takeone #zap takeone #put s empty /i /s #put n red door #restore takeone #end :timetostop #zap takeone #end ²±° ÛÛ²²ÛÛ²²²²ÛÛ²²²²ÛÛ±±±±Û ± ± ² ²±° #cycle 1 #check #end :check #if blocked n do #if blocked e do #if blocked w do #check #end :do Jump into the yellow fake, and it will all just begin... #end ²²²²²²²²²ÛÛ²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ @Checkw #do #end :do #if not blocked n do2 #do #end :do2 #Mockery:shw #put n blue breakable #do #end ± @Checks #do #end :do #if not blocked w do2 #do #end :do2 #Mockery:shs #put w blue breakable #do #end ² ²±° ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² Up ² ²±° ² ² ± ²±° ² ² ± ²±° ² ² Left ± ²±° @Elevator3 #cycle 1 #check #end :check #if blocked s goingup #check #end :goingup #Mockery:goingup #Elevator4:goingup /n/n/n/n/n/n #end ² ° ²±° @Blocker #check #end :check #cycle 1 #if blocked e #if blocked e do #check #end :do /i/i #if blocked e do2 #if blocked e do2 #restore do #check #end :do2 #if blocked e openup #restore do2 #check #end :openup #zap openup #Mockery:checkuptime2 #Restore openup #check #end :open #zap open #put n fake /n /i/i/i/i /s #put n normal #restore do #restore do2 #restore open #check #end @Chiss9 /i/i/i/i #cycle 5 #end :do /i #shoot e /i #do #end :shot #zap shot /i Ahh! /i #do #end :shot /i AAArrrggghhh! #Chiss10:do #become red fake #end ° ²±° @Elevator4 #cycle 1 #end :goingup /n #blocker:block /n/n/n/n/n #Chiss9:do #end ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² @Chiss14 /i/i #cycle 5 #end :do /n #do2 #end :do2 #char 1 /i #shoot e /i #do2 #end :shot #zap shot /i Ahh! /i #do #end :shot /i AAArrrggghhh! #become red fake #end ² @Chiss13 /i/i #cycle 5 #end :do /n #do2 #end :do2 #char 1 /i #shoot e /i #do2 #end :shot #zap shot /i Ahh! /i #do #end :shot /i AAArrrggghhh! #Chiss14:do #become red fake #end ² @Chiss12 /i/i #cycle 5 #end :do /n #do2 #end :do2 #char 1 /i #shoot e /i #do2 #end :shot #zap shot /i Ahh! /i #do #end :shot /i AAArrrggghhh! #Chiss13:do #become red fake #end ² @Chiss11 /i/i #cycle 5 #end :do /n #do2 #end :do2 #char 1 /i #shoot e /i #do2 #end :shot #zap shot /i Ahh! /i #do #end :shot /i AAArrrggghhh! #Chiss12:do #become red fake #end ² @Chiss10 /i/i #cycle 5 #end :do /n #do2 #end :do2 #char 1 /i #shoot e /i #do2 #end :shot #zap shot /i Ahh! /i #do #end :shot /i AAArrrggghhh! #Chiss11:do #become red fake #end ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² Right° ²±°²² ²²²²²²²²²²²² ² @Checker #cycle 1 #do #end :do #if not blocked n do2 #do #end :do2 /i #if blocked n do3 #if not blocked n do #end :do3 #Health:timetostop #cycle 5 GAME OVER - YOU LOSE! /i If you don't escape from this game within /i ten seconds, then I will cause a run time /i error, and you won't like it. /i 10 /i 9 /i 8 /i 7 /i 6 /i 5 /i 4 /i 3 /i 2 /i 1 /i Okay, I warned you! #change blue fake blue door #end ²±° ² ²±° ² ² ²±° ² @Elevator1 #cycle 1 #check #end :check #if blocked s goingup #check #end :goingup #Mockery:goingup #Elevator2:goingup /n/n/n/n/n/n #end ²±° @Mockery #cycle 1 #end :jump #cycle 1 #zap jump #try n /i #try n /i #try n /i #try n /i #try s /i #try s /i #try s /i #try s /i #if not blocked s fall #if blocked s reset #end :fall #cycle 1 #if blocked s reset #try s #fall #end :reset #restore jump #restore left #restore right #end :right #cycle 1 #try e #if not blocked s fall #restore jump #restore left #restore right #end :left #cycle 1 #try w #if not blocked s fall #restore jump #restore left #restore right #end :shn #shoot n #if not blocked s fall #restore jump #restore left #restore right #end :shs #shoot s #if not blocked s fall #restore jump #restore left #restore right #end :she #shoot e #if not blocked s fall #restore jump #restore left #restore right #end :shw #shoot w #if not blocked s fall #restore jump #restore left #restore right #end :goingup #zap right #zap left #zap jump /n/n/n/n/n/n #restore right #restore left #restore jump #end :shot #Health:takeone #restore jump #restore left #restore right #end :check #if blocked n check2 #restore jump #restore left #restore right #end :check2 #if blocked s ready #restore jump #restore left #restore right #end :ready #elevator1:goingup #goingup #end :ready2 #elevator3:goingup #goingup #end :check3 #if blocked s #if blocked n check4 #end :check4 #restore jump #restore right #restore left #ready2 #end :checkuptime #if blocked e #door:open #restore left #restore right #restore jump #end :checkuptime2 #if blocked w #Blocker:open #restore right #restore left #restore jump #end @Chiss /i/i #cycle 4 #do #end :do /i #shoot w /i /n /s #do #end :shot #zap shot /i Ahh! /i #do #end :shot /i AAArrrggghhh! #Chiss2:do #become red fake #end @Door #check #end :check #cycle 1 #if blocked w #if blocked w do #check #end :do /i/i #if blocked w do2 #if blocked w do2 #restore do #check #end :do2 #if blocked w openup #restore do2 #check #end :openup #zap openup #Mockery:checkuptime #Restore openup #check #end :open #zap open #put n fake /n /i/i/i/i /s #put n normal #restore do #restore do2 #restore open #check #end ²±°²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² @Chiss2 #cycle 4 #end :do #char 1 /n #put s cyan normal #do2 #end :do2 /i #shoot w /i /n /s #do2 #end :shot #zap shot /i Ahh! /i #do2 #end :shot /i AAArrrggghhh! #Chiss3:do #become red fake #end ² @Chiss3 #cycle 4 #end :do #char 1 /n #put s cyan normal #do2 #end :do2 /i #shoot w /i /n /s #do2 #end :shot #zap shot /i Ahh! /i #do2 #end :shot /i AAArrrggghhh! #Chiss4:do #become red fake #end ² @Chiss4 #cycle 4 #end :do #char 1 /n #put s cyan normal #do2 #end :do2 /i #shoot w /i /n /s #do2 #end :shot #zap shot /i Ahh! /i #do2 #end :shot /i AAArrrggghhh! #Chiss5:do #become red fake #end ² @Chiss5 #cycle 4 #end :do #char 1 /n #put s cyan normal #do2 #end :do2 /i #shoot w /i /n /s #do2 #end :shot #zap shot /i Ahh! /i #do2 #end :shot /i AAArrrggghhh! #Chiss6:do #become red fake #end ² @Chiss6 #cycle 4 #end :do #char 1 /n #put s cyan normal #do2 #end :do2 /i #shoot w /i /n /s #do2 #end :shot #zap shot /i Ahh! /i #do2 #end :shot /i AAArrrggghhh! #Chiss7:do #become red fake #end ² @Chiss7 #cycle 4 #end :do #char 1 /n #put s cyan normal #do2 #end :do2 /i #shoot w /i /n /s #do2 #end :shot #zap shot /i Ahh! /i #do2 #end :shot /i AAArrrggghhh! #become red fake #end ²²²²² @Elevator2 #cycle 1 #end :goingup /n #blocker:block /n/n/n/n/n #Chiss9:do #end