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s green object /i #put s red object /i #put s white object /i #put s purple object /i #put s yellow object /i #put s cyan object /i #recycle #end @thing #cycle 1 #char 32 :recycle #put s blue object /i #put s green object /i #put s red object /i #put s white object /i #put s purple object /i #put s yellow object /i #put s cyan object /i #recycle #end @thing #cycle 1 #char 32 :recycle #put s blue object /i #put s green object /i #put s red object /i #put s white object /i #put s purple object /i #put s yellow object /i #put s cyan object /i #recycle #end @thing #cycle 1 #char 32 :recycle #put s blue object /i #put s green object /i #put s red object /i #put s white object /i #put s purple object /i #put s yellow object /i #put s cyan object /i #recycle #end @thing #cycle 1 #char 32 :recycle #put s blue object /i #put s green object /i #put s red object /i #put s white object /i #put s purple object /i #put s yellow object /i #put s cyan object /i #recycle #end @thing #cycle 1 #char 32 :recycle #put s blue object /i #put s green object /i #put s red object /i #put s white object /i #put s purple object /i #put s yellow object /i #put s cyan object /i #recycle #end @thing #cycle 1 #char 32 :recycle #put s blue object /i #put s green object /i #put s red object /i #put s white object /i #put s purple object /i #put s yellow object /i #put s cyan object /i #recycle #end @thing #cycle 1 #char 32 :recycle #put s blue object /i #put s green object /i #put s red object /i #put s white object /i #put s purple object /i #put s yellow object /i #put s cyan object /i #recycle #end @thing #cycle 1 #char 32 :recycle #put s blue object /i #put s green object /i #put s red object /i #put s white object /i #put s purple object /i #put s yellow object /i #put s cyan object /i #recycle #end @thing #cycle 1 #char 32 :recycle #put s blue object /i #put s green object /i #put s red object /i #put s white object /i #put s purple object /i #put s yellow object /i #put s cyan object /i #recycle #end @thing #cycle 1 #char 32 :recycle #put s blue object /i #put s green object /i #put s red object /i #put s white object /i #put s purple object /i #put s yellow object /i #put s cyan object /i #recycle #end @thing #cycle 1 #char 32 :recycle #put s blue object /i #put s green object /i #put s red object /i #put s white object /i #put s purple object /i #put s yellow object /i #put s cyan object /i #recycle #end @thing #cycle 1 #char 32 :recycle #put s blue object /i #put s green object /i #put s red object /i #put s white object /i #put s purple object /i #put s yellow object /i #put s cyan object /i #recycle #end @chngr #char 32 #cycle 2 :recycle #change normal blue normal #change fake purple fake /i #change normal red normal #change fake green fake /i #change normal cyan normal #change fake white fake /i #change normal purple normal #change fake blue fake /i #change normal green normal #change fake red fake /i #change normal white normal #change fake cyan fake /i #recycle #end @thing #cycle 1 #end :r #char 83 #end :s #char 89 #end :t #char 78 #end :u #char 68 #end :v #char 82 #end :w #char 79 #end :x #char 77 #end :y #char 69 #end :z #char 249 #end @thing #cycle 1 #end :q #char 83 #end :r #char 89 #end :s #char 78 #end :t #char 68 #end :u #char 82 #end :v #char 79 #end :w #char 77 #end :x #char 69 #end :y #char 249 #end @thing #cycle 1 #end :p #char 83 #end :q #char 89 #end :r #char 78 #end :s #char 68 #end :t #char 82 #end :u #char 79 #end :v #char 77 #end :w #char 69 #end :x #char 249 #end @thing #cycle 1 #end :o #char 83 #end :p #char 89 #end :q #char 78 #end :r #char 68 #end :s #char 82 #end :t #char 79 #end :u #char 77 #end :v #char 69 #end :w #char 249 #end @thing #cycle 1 #end :n #char 83 #end :o #char 89 #end :p #char 78 #end :q #char 68 #end :r #char 82 #end :s #char 79 #end :t #char 77 #end :u #char 69 #end :v #char 249 #end @thing #cycle 1 #end :m #char 83 #end :n #char 89 #end :o #char 78 #end :p #char 68 #end :q #char 82 #end :r #char 79 #end :s #char 77 #end :t #char 69 #end :u #char 249 #end @thing #cycle 1 #end :l #char 83 #end :m #char 89 #end :n #char 78 #end :o #char 68 #end :p #char 82 #end :q #char 79 #end :r #char 77 #end :s #char 69 #end :t #char 249 #end @thing #cycle 1 #end :k #char 83 #end :l #char 89 #end :m #char 78 #end :n #char 68 #end :o #char 82 #end :p #char 79 #end :q #char 77 #end :r #char 69 #end :s #char 249 #end @thing #cycle 1 #end :j #char 83 #end :k #char 89 #end :l #char 78 #end :m #char 68 #end :n #char 82 #end :o #char 79 #end :p #char 77 #end :q #char 69 #end :r #char 249 #end @thing #cycle 1 #end :i #char 83 #end :j #char 89 #end :k #char 78 #end :l #char 68 #end :m #char 82 #end :n #char 79 #end :o #char 77 #end :p #char 69 #end :q #char 249 #end @thing #cycle 1 #end :h #char 83 #end :i #char 89 #end :j #char 78 #end :k #char 68 #end :l #char 82 #end :m #char 79 #end :n #char 77 #end :o #char 69 #end :p #char 249 #end @thing #cycle 1 #end :g #char 83 #end :h #char 89 #end :i #char 78 #end :j #char 68 #end :k #char 82 #end :l #char 79 #end :m #char 77 #end :n #char 69 #end :o #char 249 #end @thing #cycle 1 #end :f #char 83 #end :g #char 89 #end :h #char 78 #end :i #char 68 #end :j #char 82 #end :k #char 79 #end :l #char 77 #end :m #char 69 #end :n #char 249 #end @thing #cycle 1 #end :e #char 83 #end :f #char 89 #end :g #char 78 #end :h #char 68 #end :i #char 82 #end :j #char 79 #end :k #char 77 #end :l #char 69 #end :m #char 249 #end @thing #cycle 1 #end :d #char 83 #end :e #char 89 #end :f #char 78 #end :g #char 68 #end :h #char 82 #end :i #char 79 #end :j #char 77 #end :k #char 69 #end :l #char 249 #end @thing #cycle 1 #end :c #char 83 #end :d #char 89 #end :e #char 78 #end :f #char 68 #end :g #char 82 #end :h #char 79 #end :i #char 77 #end :j #char 69 #end :k #char 249 #end @thing #cycle 1 #end :b #char 83 #end :c #char 89 #end :d #char 78 #end :e #char 68 #end :f #char 82 #end :g #char 79 #end :h #char 77 #end :i #char 69 #end :j #char 249 #end @thing #char 32 :recycle #all:a /i #all:b /i #all:c /i #all:d /i #all:e /i #all:f /i #all:g /i #all:h /i #all:i /i #all:j /i #all:k /i #all:l /i #all:m /i #all:n /i #all:o /i #all:p /i #all:q /i #all:r /i #all:s /i #all:t /i #all:u /i #all:v /i #all:w /i #all:x /i #all:y /i #all:z /i #recycle #end "I have this recurring nightmare... I'm in this huge empty room with yellow walls... No matter where I go... those same horrible yellow walls..."