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Do you see anyone else that... /i/i/i/i/i/i Made friends with the ZZT Bandit and... /i/i/i/i/i/i Got into our hideout? /i/i/i/i/i/i I didn't think so. /i/i/i/i/i/i Anyway, you are about to learn that... /i/i/i/i/i/i Taking things from the most powerful... /i/i/i/i/i/i person on earth is... /i/i/i/i/i/i much harder than taking them from me. /i/i/i/i/i/i But you're still in trouble. /i/i/i/i/i/i Because now you're in _my_... /i/i/i/i/i/i What? Why am I PURPLE? /i/i/i/i/i/i Well...because the programmer's stupid! /i/i/i/i/i/i Not the programmer that made THIS... /i/i/i/i/i/i The one that made City of ZZT. /i/i/i/i/i/i Yeah, that jerk. /i/i/i/i/i/i Anyway...well, any more questions first? /i/i/i/i/i/i Why am I _BALD_?!?!?! /i/i/i/i/i/i I never noticed... /i/i/i/i/i/i Well, yeah, I guess I am. And... /i/i/i/i/i/i It's you're fault. Why? Because it is. /i/i/i/i/i/i Back to my little...speech... /i/i/i/i/i/i You're now in my castle. /i/i/i/i/i/i Yes, it's name is the... /i/i/i/i/i/i --=== Dramatic Pause ===-- /i/i/i/i/i/i TWISTED CASTLE OF ZZT! #send Flasher:FLASH /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i What?! You didn't hear it? It's the... /i/i/i/i/i/i TWISTED CASTLE OF ZZT! #send Flasher:FLASH /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i You didn't hear me again? /i/i/i/i/i/i It's...oh, shut up! /i/i/i/i/i/i Anyway, you're in my dungeon inside the... /i/i/i/i/i/i TWISTED CASTLE OF ZZT! #send Flasher:FLASH /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i Of course it's twisted! /i/i/i/i/i/i Twisted... /i/i/i/i/i/i ...as in... /i/i/i/i/i/i ...weird and twisted! /i/i/i/i/i/i No, it's not curved or anything. /i/i/i/i/i/i Although it does have a /i/i/i/i/i/i couple round towers. /i/i/i/i/i/i It's twisted in the same way that... /i/i/i/i/i/i <looks up> /i/i/i/i/i/i YOU tell him! /i/i/i/i/i/i Where's the damn programmer? He named it! /i/i/i/i/i/i No, I DON'T want to leave a message! /i/i/i/i/i/i Just take my word for it. It's twisted. /i/i/i/i/i/i Honestly. /i/i/i/i/i/i Well, that's about it... /i/i/i/i/i/i I've gotta leave. Mad doctors always /i/i/i/i/i/i sit in a big chair and laugh at the /i/i/i/i/i/i poor, pitiful human... /i/i/i #send Music:START /i/i/i/i/i/i Wait a second! I'm not ready yet! /i/i/i/i/i/i You'll annoy the player and make him /i/i/i/i/i/i press 'P' before I get done talking! /i/i/i/i/i/i Shut the music off! /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i #shoot e /i/i #shoot e /i/i #send Music:END /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i Much better. /i/i/i/i/i/i Somebody get down here and clean up /i/i/i/i/i/i the mess! I'll need someone else to /i/i/i/i/i/i press the button! /i/i/i/i/i/i Hmmm....I forgot what I was going to say. /i/i/i/i/i/i Doesn't matter. You're still gonna die. /i/i/i/i/i/i G'bye! I need to get a good seat! /i/i/i/i/i/i /s/s/s/e/s/s/s #cycle 2 #send Music:START /e/e/e/e/e #cycle 3 #char 32 :STARTLOOP /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i #char 1 /i/w/w/w/w/w/w/w Why are you still here? Go away! /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i /e/e/e/e/e/e/e #char 32 #send STARTLOOP