@Tournament #end :next $ZZT Masters Tournament - Round 1 Well, folks, it looks like the player's rearin' to go. The first adversary will be a captured goblin from the marshes of Negrad. It has been starved for days and is looking eagerly for a snack in the arena. /i#goblin:release #zap next #end :beat #change forest fake #give score 1 #give gems 4 #all:storeopen #zap beat #end :next $ZZT Masters Tournament - Round 2 What an excellent first round! But victory for the player is short, because now that he has his gear, another challenger is entering the arena. It's a giant bat from the caves of Altor! Hitting this beast may prove difficult for our warrior, but we'll see how he copes. /i#bat:release #zap next #end :beat #change shark fake #give score 2 #give gems 6 #all:storeopen #zap beat #end :next $ZZT Masters Tournament - Round 3 Ladies and gentlemen, here's where things get tricky for the player. It's two against one in the battle against the ogrelings of the Baryu mines. /i#ogreling:release #zap next #end :beat #change forest fake #give score 3 #zap beat #end :beat #change forest fake #give score 5 $ZZT Masters Tournament - Round 4 What's this? It appears that the oreglings' mother has found her way into the arena! Without time to refuel, the player had better kill her before she gets her revenge on him. /i#ogre:release #zap beat #end :beat #change forest fake #give score 8 #give gems 8 #all:storeopen #zap beat #end :next $ZZT Masters Tournament - Round 5 Here comes the first human competitor for the player: a warrior of Talc! Let's see how the player fares. /i#talc:release #zap next #end :beat #give score 13 #give gems 10 #all:storeopen #zap beat #end :next $ZZT Masters Tournament - Round 6 The player is definitely up for a challenge this time! TwoÄÄthat's right!ÄÄ TWO giant bats from the Altor caves PLUS a wild wolf from the Tasian forests will be fighting for their next meal. Can the player hold out through this tough battle? /i#triple:release #zap next #end :beat #change shark fake #give score 21 #zap beat #end :beat #change shark fake #give score 34 #zap beat #end :beat #change shark fake #give score 55 #give gems 12 #all:storeopen #zap beat #end :next $ZZT Masters Tournament - Round 7 The player is about to receive a great honor. Ironically, however, this honor just may be what brings about his death. All make way for the next challenger: one of the great golden warriors of Azabon! /i#azabon:release #zap next #end :beat #give score 89 $ZZT Masters Tournament I can't believe what I just saw! The player has defeated one of the golden warriors of Azabon. This is incredible! Ladies and gentlemen, we have just seen one single person accomplish what only armies have done in the past. This player is surely the ZZT master! There will no doubt be a considerably high position in store for this remarkable fighter. I can assure you that this hero will take part in many games yet to come. This has definitely been an exciting tournament to say the least. Until next time, keep your reflexes in tip-top condition and your mind sharp. This is only the beginning. /i#take gems 32 cont1 #give score 32 :cont1 #take gems 16 cont2 #give score 16 :cont2 #take gems 8 cont3 #give score 8 :cont3 #take gems 4 cont4 #give score 4 :cont4 #take gems 2 cont5 #give score 2 :cont5 #take gems 1 cont6 #give score 1 :cont6 #endgame #trans:vanish #end There is something that you must remember: the tournament isn't everything. Sure, people like seeing the combatants get better and better as the tournament gets further along, and those who make it to the top acquire a great deal of pride, but you mustn't forget those who enter the tournament for nothing more than the thrill of fighting. Not necessarily to beat their opponents; just to fight. The tournament may appear to be all about "the best of the best" on the outside, but if people didn't have that thrill just from fighting, no one would compete. You can't forget that. It's more than a tournament. It's a game, too. Don't focus on winning; focus on fighting. If you do that, the tournament will live on. David Hammond 2002 Mystical Winds @goblin #end :release #put s empty #walk s /s#put n blue line #walk i :begin /i#if uppressed if half gon #if downpressed if half gos #if rightpressed if half goe #if leftpressed if half gow #if not third goseek #if n gon #if s gos #if e goe #if w gow :gon #char 5 #try n try s #if contact hurt #begin :gos #char 5 #try s try n #if contact hurt #begin :goe #char 6 #try e try w #if contact hurt #begin :gow #char 6 #try w try e #if contact hurt #begin :goseek #char 5 #try seek try rndp seek #if contact hurt #begin :hurt Ouch! #play --c+c-d#+d# #take health 10 endgame /i#begin :shot :shot :shot :shot #zap shot #try opp seek try rndp seek #begin :shot :shot #lock :blood :blood :blood :blood #walk rndp rndne #if blocked flow blood #put flow red fake #zap blood #blood :blood #tournament:beat #become forest #end :touch #take gems 1 end #give ammo 5 #flash :storeopen #put s empty #play x #change cyan clockwise counter #restore flash :flash #put e cyan object #zap flash /i :flash #put e white object #restore flash /i#flash :storeclose #put e blue object #put s blue line /i#put s blue line #play x #change cyan counter clockwise #end :touch #all:storeclose :storeopen #put s empty #end :storeclose /i#put s blue line /i#put s blue line #tournament:next #end :touch #take gems 1 end #give health 20 #end :storeopen #put s empty #end :storeclose #put s blue line /i#put s blue line @bat #end :release #put s empty #walk s /s#put n blue line #walk i :begin #char 126 #zap begin #do :begin #char 94 #restore begin :do /i#walk rndp seek #if third walk seek #if shooting1 if not third walk rndp seek #if shooting2 if not third walk rndp seek #if uppressed if half gon #if downpressed if half gos #if rightpressed if half goe #if leftpressed if half gow #if not third goseek #if n gon #if s gos #if e goe #if w gow :gon #try n try s #if contact hurt #begin :gos #try s try n #if contact hurt #begin :goe #char 96 #try e try w #if contact hurt #begin :gow #char 39 #try w try e #if contact hurt #begin :goseek #try seek try rndp seek #if contact hurt #begin :hurt Ouch! #play --c+c-d#+d# #take health 10 endgame /i#begin :shot :shot #zap shot #walk opp seek #try opp seek try rndp seek #begin :shot :shot #lock :blood :blood #walk rndp rndne #if blocked flow blood #put flow red fake #zap blood #blood :blood #tournament:beat #become shark @triple #end :release #put e empty #walk e /e#put w blue line #walk i :begin #char 126 #zap begin #do :begin #char 94 #restore begin :do /i#walk rndp seek #if third walk seek #if shooting1 if not third walk rndp seek #if shooting2 if not third walk rndp seek #if uppressed if not half gon #if downpressed if not half gos #if rightpressed if not half goe #if leftpressed if not half gow #if not third goseek #if n gon #if s gos #if e goe #if w gow :gon #try n try s #if contact hurt #begin :gos #try s try n #if contact hurt #begin :goe #char 96 #try e try w #if contact hurt #begin :gow #char 39 #try w try e #if contact hurt #begin :goseek #try seek try rndp seek #if contact hurt #begin :hurt Ouch! #play --c+c-d#+d# #take health 10 endgame /i#begin :shot :shot :shot :shot #zap shot #walk opp seek #try opp seek try rndp seek #begin :shot :shot #lock :blood :blood #walk rndp rndne #if blocked flow blood #put flow red fake #zap blood #blood :blood #tournament:beat #become shark @ogreling #end :release #put e empty #walk e /e#put w blue line #walk i #char 135 :begin /i#walk i #if shooting1 if alligned walk rndp seek #if shooting2 if alligned walk rndp seek #if shooting1 if not third gopseek #if shooting2 if not third gopseek #if uppressed if half gon #if downpressed if half gos #if rightpressed if half goe #if leftpressed if half gow #if not third goseek #if n gon #if s gos #if e goe #if w gow :gon #try n try s #if contact hurt #begin :gos #try s try n #if contact hurt #begin :goe #try e try w #if contact hurt #begin :gow #try w try e #if contact hurt #begin :goseek #try seek try rndp seek #if contact hurt #begin :gopseek #try rndp seek try rndp seek #if contact hurt #begin :hurt Ouch! #play --c+c-d#+d# #take health 10 endgame /i#begin :shot :shot #zap shot #try opp seek try rndp seek #begin :shot :shot #lock :blood :blood :blood :blood #walk rndp rndne #if blocked flow blood #put flow red fake #zap blood #blood :blood #tournament:beat #become forest @ogreling #end :release #put w empty #walk w /w#put e blue line #walk i #char 135 :begin /i#walk i #if shooting1 if alligned walk rndp seek #if shooting2 if alligned walk rndp seek #if shooting1 if not third gopseek #if shooting2 if not third gopseek #if uppressed if not half gon #if downpressed if not half gos #if rightpressed if not half goe #if leftpressed if not half gow #if not third goseek #if quart gon #if third gos #if half goe #gow :gon #try n try s #if contact hurt #begin :gos #try s try n #if contact hurt #begin :goe #try e try w #if contact hurt #begin :gow #try w try e #if contact hurt #begin :goseek #try seek try rndp seek #if contact hurt #begin :gopseek #try rndp seek try rndp seek #if contact hurt #begin :hurt Ouch! #play --c+c-d#+d# #take health 10 endgame /i#begin :shot :shot #zap shot #try opp seek try rndp seek #begin :shot :shot #lock :blood :blood :blood :blood #walk rndp rndne #if blocked flow blood #put flow red fake #zap blood #blood :blood #tournament:beat #become forest @triple #end :release #put w empty #walk w /w#put e blue line #walk i :begin #char 126 #zap begin #do :begin #char 94 #restore begin :do /i#walk rndp seek #if third walk seek #if shooting1 if not third walk rndp seek #if shooting2 if not third walk rndp seek #if uppressed if half gon #if downpressed if half gos #if rightpressed if half goe #if leftpressed if half gow #if not third goseek #if n gon #if s gos #if e goe #if w gow :gon #try n try s #if contact hurt #begin :gos #try s try n #if contact hurt #begin :goe #char 96 #try e try w #if contact hurt #begin :gow #char 39 #try w try e #if contact hurt #begin :goseek #try seek try rndp seek #if contact hurt #begin :hurt Ouch! #play --c+c-d#+d# #take health 10 endgame /i#begin :shot :shot :shot :shot #zap shot #walk opp seek #try opp seek try rndp seek #begin :shot :shot #lock :blood :blood #walk rndp rndne #if blocked flow blood #put flow red fake #zap blood #blood :blood #tournament:beat #become shark ±± #if not blocked e /i#restart #if blocked s if blocked w /i#restart #put s blue breakable #put w blue breakable #give ammo 1 #set shooting2 /i#clear shooting2 #restart ± #end :touch #clear uppressed #set uppressed /i#clear uppressed ± #if blocked e /i#restart #shoot e ± ± #end :touch #clear leftpressed #set leftpressed /i#clear leftpressed #end :touch #clear rightpressed #set rightpressed /i#clear rightpressed #if blocked w /i#restart #shoot w #change fake empty #change object empty #if not blocked s /i#restart #if blocked n if blocked e /i#restart #put n blue breakable #put e blue breakable #give ammo 1 #set shooting1 /i#clear shooting1 #restart ±± @triple #end :release #put n empty #walk n /n#put s blue line #walk i :begin #walk i /i/i#char 156 /i#char 102 /i :do1 #if half char 102 #if not half char 159 #walk seek #if not quart try seek try rndp seek #try rndp seek try seek try rndp seek #if contact hurt #if not third do1 #walk rndp seek :do2 #try opp seek try rndp seek try rndp seek #if half do2 #begin :hurt Ouch! #play --c+c-d#+d# #take health 10 endgame /i#do1 :shot :shot :shot :shot :shot :shot #zap shot #char 156 #if half walk opp seek #if not half walk rndp seek #try opp seek try rndp seek try rndp seek #do2 :shot :shot #lock #char 156 :blood :blood :blood :blood #walk rndp rndne #if blocked flow blood #put flow red fake #zap blood #blood :blood #tournament:beat #become red fake @ogre #end :release #put n empty #walk n /n#put s blue line #walk i #char 128 :begin /i#walk i #if shooting1 if alligned walk rndp seek #if shooting2 if alligned walk rndp seek #if shooting1 if not third gopseek #if shooting2 if not third gopseek #if uppressed if half gon #if downpressed if half gos #if rightpressed if half goe #if leftpressed if half gow #if not third goseek #if n gon #if s gos #if e goe #if w gow :gon #try n try s #if contact hurt #begin :gos #try s try n #if contact hurt #begin :goe #try e try w #if contact hurt #begin :gow #try w try e #if contact hurt #begin :goseek #try seek try rndp seek #if contact hurt #begin :gopseek #try rndp seek try rndp seek #if contact hurt #begin :hurt #lock #walk opp seek #try seek #walk i Ouch! #play --c+c-d#+d# #take health 20 endgame /i#begin :shot :shot :shot :shot :shot :shot #zap shot #try opp seek try rndp seek #begin :shot :shot #lock :blood :blood :blood :blood :blood :blood #walk rndp rndne #if blocked flow blood #put flow red fake #zap blood #blood :blood #tournament:beat #become forest /i#clear half #if blocked cw rndns set half #clear quart #if not blocked rndp rndne set quart #clear third #if not blocked rnd set third #clear n #clear s #clear e #clear w #if not blocked rndp rndne sete #if not blocked rnd setw #if blocked cw rndns setn #set s #restart :sete #set e #restart :setw #set w #restart :setn #set n #restart @statue #end :finclose #put opp flow blue line @statue #end :finclose #put opp flow blue line #change blue invisible cyan clockwise @ZZT Masters Tournament #if any monitor titlescreen #put cw flow empty #char 205 #go cw flow #end :touch #lock #pushin:do #char 92 /i#char 186 /i#char 47 /i#char 205 #all:storeopen #end :titlescreen $ÛÝÛÞ ZZT Masters Tournament ÝÛÞÛ Welcome to the great ZZT Masters arena! Here, you will compete against many monsters and warriors in the ultimate battle to see who is the greatest ZZT warrior of all time. Before entering the arena, it is recommended that you first read the rules so you know what to expect. $How It Works: You will participate in many battles that will occur one after another. Your adversaries may use hand-to-hand combat or long-range weapons, but you can only use your bow and arrow. It may take several direct hits with your arrows to take down a single opponent, just as you can take several hits before you are slain. Between battles and at the beginning, the store room will be open to re-stock your supplies. You can pay one gem for five rounds of ammo or twenty hit points. Gems are earned at the ends of battles. When you are finished selecting your supplies, touch the flashing orb. That will close the store room and the next round will begin. /i#zap titlescreen #restart :titlescreen /i#restart @talc #end :release #put n empty #walk n /n#put s blue line #walk i #char 1 :begin #walk i #if shooting1 if alligned dodge #if shooting2 if alligned dodge #if blocked s if not blocked n /n#cont #if blocked n if not blocked s /s#cont #if blocked e if not blocked w /w#cont #if blocked w if not blocked e /e#cont #if shooting1 try rndp seek try rndp seek #if shooting2 try rndp seek try rndp seek #if not third if uppressed ?n#cont #if not third if downpressed ?s#cont #if not third if leftpressed ?w#cont #if not third if rightpressed ?e#cont #if third ?seek#cont #try rndp seek try rndp seek try rndp seek :cont #if third if alligned shoot seek #if quart if not alligned shoot seek #begin :dodge #walk rndp seek #try opp seek try seek /i #cont :shot :shot :shot :shot :shot :shot #try rndp seek try rndp seek try rndp seek #zap shot #begin :shot :shot #lock :blood :blood :blood :blood #walk rndp rndne #if blocked flow blood #put flow red fake #zap blood #blood :blood #tournament:beat #become red fake @azabon #end :release #put n empty #walk n /n#put s blue line #char 1 :begin #walk i #if shooting1 if alligned dodge #if shooting2 if alligned dodge #if blocked s if not third ?rndp n#cont #if blocked n if not third ?rndp n#cont #if blocked e if not third ?rndns#cont #if blocked w if not third ?rndns#cont #if shooting1 try opp seek #if shooting2 try opp seek #if not third if uppressed ?n#cont #if not third if downpressed ?s#cont #if not third if leftpressed ?w#cont #if not third if rightpressed ?e#cont #if not quart ?seek#cont #try rndp seek try rndp seek try rndp seek :cont #if contact hurt #if third if alligned shoot seek #if quart if not alligned shoot seek #begin :hurt Ouch! #play --c+c-d#+d# #take health 10 endgame #walk seek #try rndp seek try rndp seek #if contact hurt #begin :dodge #walk rndp seek #try opp seek try seek /i #cont :shot :shot :shot :shot :shot :shot :shot :shot :shot :shot :shot :shot :shot :shot #try rndp seek try rndp seek try rndp seek #zap shot #begin :shot :shot #lock :blood :blood :blood :blood :blood :blood #walk rndp rndne #if blocked flow blood #put flow red fake #zap blood #blood :blood #tournament:beat #become red fake ± #end :touch #clear downpressed #set downpressed /i#clear downpressed ± @trans #if any monitor /i#restart :do #if not any monitor /i#do :vanish #change fake empty #change blue object empty #change breakable empty #change bullet empty #change line empty #change clockwise empty #change counter empty @pushin #end :do #go ccw flow #go flow #put s blue line #put cw flow yellow object #put ccw flow yellow object #statue:finclose #become blue invisible