²°° ±±°²²±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ±²²°±± °°²                  ²°° ±±°²²²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²²²²°±± °°²                  ²°° ±±°²²±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ±²²°±± °°²               ²°° ±±°²²±ÛÛ @Cursor #cycle 1 :mmm /i#change white object cyan object /i#change cyan object blue object /i#char 32 /i#char 16 /i#change blue object cyan object /i#change cyan object white object #mmm :n #if blocked n #mmm #lock ?n #play --c #change blue object white object #change cyan object white object #char 16 #unlock #mmm :s #if blocked s #mmm #lock ?s #play --e #change blue object white object #change cyan object white object #char 16 #unlock #mmm :czech #lock #char 16 #change blue object cyan object #change cyan object white object #put w line #change line line #unlock #if any blue line #game #if any green line #zennnnny #if any cyan line #members #if any red line #catalogue #if any purple line #creds #change line invisible Bug! #mmm :game #change line invisible $ °±²ÛÝWelcome to <untitled> Welcome to my blatant rip-off of BoulderXod. If you've ever played Xod, Calmness or Sokoban, you'll know that the objective of the game is to get all the boulders (þ) into the storage areas (²). There are 15 levels in the game, colour- coded into three factions. However, as you'd expect pushing boulders around is hard work, so the player is monitored on how many places (s)he moves. If you move more than 500 paces on one level, you die. When you've eliminated all cyan spaces, make your way to the red square and you will be mAJIKALLY transported to the next level. I seriously recommend saving regularly if you wish for your hair to remain connected to your scalp. N-joy. $ /i#mmm :zennnnny #change line invisible $ $°±²ÛÝAbout meeee Hi, I'm Zenith Nadir. You may remember me from such games as ChickenWire and Fantasy World Dizzy ZZT. In actuality, my name is Peter Saltfleet, I live near Grimsby, England (east coast). If anyone else asks me if I have a BBC accent I'm going to commit triple homicide. I'm sixteen, in my exam year, and should really be doing some coursework while I'm typing this. I like the BeeGees, the Lightning Seeds, the Beatles, the Prodigy and the Offspring (go ahead, laugh at my crappy music tastes.). I hate Oasis and the Spice Girls (who doesn't?!) I have very little or no social life and therefore spend much of my time listening to aforementioned musics, watching TV, surfing the net, reading, drawing or programming ZZT. I'm doing fairly good at school at the moment (unlike last year...). My lack of social life is partially due to the fact that, although I live *near* a big town, I don't live *in* it and therefore have to travel 12 miles to get there (I don't get my driving licence until I'm 18). I either have to take the bus (Eww!) or get my parents to take me anywhere (Quadruple eww!). Oh well. Now I'm rambling. I sometimes go on IRC (Not nearly as much as I used to though.), the channel you can usually find me on is #darkdigital. Granted, Chuck (the owner) is an asshole, but the channel is nice (particularly when he's not there. Hah.). That said, Blazer's a nice enough guy. I'd best not say anything else now. Or I could get banned. (I'm sure I already am.) $ /i#mmm :members #change line invisible $ $°±²ÛÝInteractive Fantasies Members I'm a member of IF, the ZZT company you *must* have heard of by now. Here's a list of the 10 members and how to contact them. $The Agonizer $Olivier Cornelissen $o_cornelissen@hotmail.com $IRC: Agonizer $BlueMagus $Tony Testa $zztmagus@hotmail.com $IRC: Shigesato $Hercules $Sander Pieterse $s_pieterse@hotmail.com $IRC: Herc $HM $Ralf vd. Broek $hm.27@oprit.rug.nl $IRC: hm $Hydra $Neils Reyngoud $hydra78@hotmail.com $IRC: Hydra $Knightt $Charles Marchione $zztknightt@home.com $IRC: Knightt $Koopo $KuoYen Lo $kuoyen@hotmail.com $IRC: Xyphr $Tseng $Mike Renner $renner@bellsouth.net $IRC: tseng $Venom $Brian Sheets $zztvenom@excite.net $IRC: Madeku $Zenith $Peter Saltfleet $kfsaltfleet@ukgateway.net $IRC: Nadir $ /i#mmm :catalogue #change line invisible $ Stuffers that we've made: A whole bunch of stuff that I don't feel like typing. Nyeah. $ /i#mmm :creds #change line invisible $ $°±²ÛÝCredits Me: I MADE IT ALLLLLLLLLL Dexter: For not pissing and whining because I stole the idea. It's my own engine anyway. SO THERE ARR I AM LONG JOHN SILVER NMIAOW DeeDee: God, that was a lame joke. BlueMagus: BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT HE IS FOOL 2378CTDD: Wow, I'm finally able to type that from memory!! =P PeanutsPat: Self-proclaimed biggest fan (hehe.) Calvin <strike>Klein</strike> Adams: HERO WORSHIP DAMMIT ARRRRGHJGHHFDFFGJG tucan: And remember kids, on your way out drop by at tuc's place to call him a bastard. He loves that. Tseng: Oldbie crowner. YOU'RE NOT AN OLDBIE UNTIL TSENG SAYS SO@#$%^&* Anyone else who feeds my ego. Huheh. $ /i#mmm @Flasher (nmiaow) #cycle 1 :arr #if blocked w #char 2 #if blocked w #char 32 #if not blocked w #char 32 #arr About the game ÛÛ±²²°±± °°²               ²°° ±±°²²±ÛÛ @Flasher (nmiaow) #cycle 1 :arr #if blocked w #char 2 #if blocked w #char 32 #if not blocked w #char 32 #arr About me ÛÛ±²²°±± °°²               ²°° ±±°²²±ÛÛ @Flasher (nmiaow) #cycle 1 :arr #if blocked w #char 2 #if blocked w #char 32 #if not blocked w #char 32 #arr IF members ÛÛ±²²°±± °°²               ²°° ±±°²²±ÛÛ @Flasher (nmiaow) #cycle 1 :arr #if blocked w #char 2 #if blocked w #char 32 #if not blocked w #char 32 #arr IF catalogue ÛÛ±²²°±± °°²               ²°° ±±°²²±ÛÛ @Flasher (nmiaow) #cycle 1 :arr #if blocked w #char 2 #if blocked w #char 32 #if not blocked w #char 32 #arr Credits ÛÛ±²²°±± °°²               ²°° ±±°²²±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ±²²°±± °°²                  ²°° ±±°²²²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²²²²°±± °°²                  ²°° ±±°²²±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ±²²°±± °°²                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           #cycle 1 #end :touch #cursor:n                                                            #cycle 1 #end :touch #play ---cada #cursor:czech                                                            #cycle 1 #end :touch #cursor:s