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(looks up) What??? /i Oh, this title screen won't do at all!!! /i I mean, where's the title??? /i They call it TITLE Screen for a reason! /i Without the title it would just be screen! /i Don't worry, I 'll fix it! /i Abracadabra, by the hairs on my chin... /i Let there be a title screen!!! /i #cycle 1 #play t.++a+c+e+f+g+g! #change invisible solid #change green solid forest #change forest fake #change cyan solid blue water #cycle 23 #let:app #let2:come #cycle 1 #cycle 1 /i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i/i #cycle 23 #play t.++a+c+e+f+g+g! #let3:appear /i #cycle 15 Ahh, now here's a title screen!!! /i What! No music EITHER?!? /i I guess I'll just have to do it! /i #cycle 23 #Piano:appear /i Ahh, there's my piano!!! /n #Hands:play (clears throat, cracks fingers) /i #play se#dc#c#dxxi-gf#xgf# Camp town lady sings this song, doo-daa. /i What! You don't like my song? /i That's it! I'm leaving!!! /i #cycle 1 #Piano:d #Hands:di #char 79 /i #char 9 /i #char 7 /i #char 32 /i/i #JeffConroy:comeout #die ±±±±²²²²±±±±²²²² ght @JeffConroy #cycle 15 #end :comeout #cycle 1 #char 2 /n/n/w/w/w/w #cycle 18 /i Hi, I'm Jeff Conroy. /i Hey, where'd Merlin go??? /i Stupid Wizard, what an idiot!!! /i He just can't leave a title screen!!! /i I mean, he's not earning his pay. /i 5› an hour is too much for him! /i Well, I may as well entertain you. /i What should I do for you? Hmm... /i I know, I'll call a friend!!! /i Here comes Viper. /i #Viper:comeout /w #end :con Hey Viper, what's up??? /i Nothing much, Jeff. /i Except for, of course, my upcoming game. /i Cool. What's that game called again? /i STAR WARS: A New Journey. /i I'm still bored. /i Hmm... /i I know, let's get some of the enemies out /i here and show them to the player!!! /i Viper: Awesome idea, Jeff! /i Jeff: Yes, yes, I'm a genius. Now here /i they are: /i #Snake:comeout The snake, the easiest on-board enemy! /i The Cobra, a hard on-board enemy! #Cobra:comeout /i The Pit-bull, a mediocre on-board enemy! #PitBull:comeout /i And here is the Robot, the lamest enemy! #Robot:comeout /i/i Viper: Hmm, this is very boring too! /i Viper: I know, let's kill them!!! /i Jeff: Good idea! I'll cast a spell! /i Jeff: °±²ÛDISAPPEARÛ²±° /i #Snake:dis #Cobra:dis #Pitbull:dis #Robot:d /i Viper: I'm STILL bored!!! /i Jeff: Me too. Any ideas? /i Viper: Yeah!!! Let's play the game!!! /i Jeff: Just a sec. I have to do something. /i Jeff: Music, go!!! #mus:go /i Jeff: There. Now we can go. /i #Viper:run #cycle 1 /s #char 255 #loop :loop °±²ÛÛ²±° /i °±²ÛPÛ²±° /i °±²ÛPLÛ²±° /i °±²ÛPLAÛ²±° /i °±²ÛPLAYÛ²±° /i °±²ÛPLAY Û²±° /i °±²ÛPLAY TÛ²±° /i °±²ÛPLAY THÛ²±° /i °±²ÛPLAY THEÛ²±° /i °±²ÛPLAY THE Û²±° /i °±²ÛPLAY THE GÛ²±° /i °±²ÛPLAY THE GAÛ²±° /i °±²ÛPLAY THE GAMÛ²±° /i °±²ÛPLAY THE GAMEÛ²±° /I/I °±²ÛPLAY THE GAMEÛ²±° /I/I/I °±²ÛPLAY THE GAMEÛ²±° /I/I °±²ÛPLAY THE GAMÛ²±° /I °±²ÛPLAY THE GAÛ²±° /I °±²ÛPLAY THE GÛ²±° /I °±²ÛPLAY THE Û²±° /I °±²ÛPLAY THEÛ²±° /I °±²ÛPLAY THÛ²±° /I °±²ÛPLAY TÛ²±° /I °±²ÛPLAY Û²±° /I °±²ÛPLAYÛ²±° /I °±²ÛPLAÛ²±° /I °±²ÛPLÛ²±° /I °±²ÛPÛ²±° /I °±²ÛÛ²±° /I #loop ±±±±²²²²±±±±²²²²