/\/ewt Presents ____________________________________________________________ ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ____________________________________________________________ ²²²²² ²² P ²² - Play the Game -- 1 player. ²²²²² ²²²²² ²² #cycle 1 /i Newt Presents: /i Newt Presents: /i Newt Presents: /i Newt Presents: /i Newt Presents: /i NEWT PRESENTS: /i @@@@ @@@@@@@@@ /i OOOO OOOOOOOOO /i oooo ooooooooo /i .... ......... /i /i /i A Newt Game /i A Newt Game /i A Newt Game /i A Newt Game /i A Newt Game /i A Newt Game /i A NEWT Game /i A @@@@ Game /i A OOOO Game /i A oooo Game /i A .... Game /i A Game /i A Z Game /i A ZZ Game /i A ZZT Game /i A ZZT Game /i A ZZT Game /i A ZZT Game /i A ZZT Game t /i A ZZT Game to /i A ZZT Game to /i A ZZT Game to p /i A ZZT Game to pa /i A ZZT Game to pas /i A ZZT Game to pass /i A ZZT Game to pass /i A ZZT Game to pass t /i A ZZT Game to pass ti /i A ZZT Game to pass tim /i A ZZT Game to pass time /i A ZZT Game to pass time /i A ZZT Game to pass time /i A ZZT Game to pass time /i A ZZT Game to pass time /i A ZZT Game to pass time /i A ZZT GAME TO PASS TIME /i X XXX XXXX XX XXXX XXXX /i x xxx xxxx xx xxxx xxxx /i . ... .... .. .... .... /i /i /i Z /i Z /i Z /i /i E /i E /i E /i /i M /i M /i M /i /i /i ZEM /i <ZEM> /i <ZEM> /i <-ZEM-> /i <--ZEM--> /i <---ZEM---> /i <=---ZEM---=> /i <--ZEM--> /i <ZEM> /i <EMZ> /i <EZM> /i <ZEM> /i <E> /i * /i /i 1 /i 19 /i 199 /i 1998 /i 1998 /i 1998 N /i 1998 Ne /i 1998 New /i 1998 Newt /i 1998 Newt /i 1998 Newt /i 1998 Newt /i /i /i ²² - Get some background info. ²²²²² ²²²²² ²² #play iggggqaiaaqgegeieeeeqfiffqecec #play h+ci-ab+c-ahgiefgfqeccchc ²² - How to play? ²²²²² @About #end :touch $°±²Û ZEM! Û²±° $ ___ /em is a minigame based on Lemmings and /__ combining the ZE engine of drawing and my own side-scrolling engine. I just created it for the heck of it. Just send comments to: $newt55@juno.com And visit my site at: $http://pond.home.ml.org/ $Some gameplay notes: ------------------------------------------ This game you can easily cheat with. Just don't cheat, please? This is just a fun little game, I know. But please do not use the cursor for Zem to stand on all the time! And I have a few things you might like to know about: A- Do not place anything on TOP of things that kill Zem (water, spikes, etc.) This includes your cursor. When Zem can be killed from the side, also make sure that you don't put anything there either. B- Don't put your cursor NEXT to the passage. Doing so will render the level impossible to pass. That's making it cheat proof, believe it or not. $I have hidden a bonus level SOMEWHERE. $Find it! PS: This is the second release of ZEM!. It was originally released at Ethan Hunt's Z3 (http://zzt.net/z3). How- ever, this is an updated version. Fixed here is: ¨- You can't plot over Zem or any- thing else but in one level. ¨- Nothing much else. But that's a lot! Send bug reports to: newt55@juno.com And be sure to subscribe to ZZTimes!: ZZTimes@juno.com $#end #end @Playing #end :touch Want to learn how to play? Just press the arrow objects! It will move the cursor $(+) around. Then you have to get Zem (a lone Lemming needing to return to the pack [&] ) to the little blue portal (=). It is a short game. It has only a few levels, none of which are too difficult. It might be a wise idea not to plot over Zem or the passage... Zem can climb up one block. He will try 2-block walls but will fail and reverse. ¯Little Note: There are some birds that will, well, poo on your bridges. In level 6 it will be annoying, in level 7 it will be required. ¯Be sure to read the background info! $CREDIT WHERE IT IS DUE: $----------------------------------------- $ This game was conceived and completely programmed by me, Newt (newt55@juno.com). However, it uses the basics from 2 eng- ines: My Punctuation People Engine, and the Drawing I engine from the ZZT Ency- clopedia. The Drawing Engine was made by Rapido of Interactive Fantasies. The ZE is by Chronos and JDMSonic. $ $ZEM: $What happens when ZZT $meets Lemmings. $(this plays more like Creepers though!) $ $*I am in no way related to Psygnosis $ software, the creator of Lemmings, and $ remember, imitation is a sign of great- $ ness! ;) $#end #end