Alec Scharff's @mission #end :touch #play xxq--f #play qf# #play +qgixqg #play +qb! #play ++qc #play +qgixqgixqf #play +qf# #play +qg #play +ib! #play +ig #play ++q.f# #play +qb! #play ++qc-g #play ++ib! #play ++ig+q.f #restart #end @shootanddie #shoot w #die #end ÛÛÛ ±± ÛÛÛÛÛ ²² ± ± ± *--------* @thestory #cycle 30 These are dark and troubled times..... /i The pure and good race of wierdos /i Have been driven into exile by the Jocks. /i The jocks were large in number, but the /i Wierdos had a plan. They made the Jocks /i an offer they couldn't refuse. /i A challenge, if you will. For freedom. /i You are their champion, and you must /i LEAD THEM TO VICTORY!! /i Or not. /i/i #restart #end ÛÛÛ ² ² ± ± ÛÛ |From the| ² ² ± w |GENUIS | Û ²²²²²² ± Û |behind | Û ² ± Û e |W-PETS | Û ² ² ± ÛÛÛÛ r | Comes..| ² ± Û Û d *--------* ± ÛÛÛÛ w e i r d ÛÛ The Wierdo Gaming Experience Seal of approval